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University Library Zurich


Only publications that are published in final form are included in the Academic Report. As long as a publication has the status "published electronically before final form" (also called "epub ahead of print"), it will not be transferred to the Academic Report. A scientific article is "epub ahead of print" if it has been published in electronic form before it appears in the printed edition of a journal.

In exceptional cases, publications from the previous year (e.g. 2022) or the following year (e.g. 2024) may also be considered for the current year of the Academic Report (e.g. 2023). For the inclusion of such special cases, please contact the editorial office at

If an institute would like publications to appear in ZORA but not in the Academic Report, send us an e-mail and let us know, indicating the Eprint-ID or title, that you do not want this publication to appear in the Academic Report. We can change the year of the relevant Academic Report in the background without changing the metadata of the publication.

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