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Open Access enables free access to scientific findings and can contribute significantly to the dissemination of research results; it is now considered the standard by leading research funding bodies worldwide. In its Open Science Policy, UZH recommends that researchers publish openly.
The Open Science Services of the University Library offer you a wide range of platforms, tutorials and tools to not only make your publications Open Access but to host your own journal as well.
Open Access ensures that scientific publications can be distributed and received online without restrictions.
For your search for suitable OA journals or OA book publishers, you can make use of relevant databases and platforms. We show you which ones are available and how you can use them.
You can cover the costs of an open access publication with the help of various funding opportunities. These include the publication funds of the UB and the ZB, contracts with publishers, and funding instruments from the SNSF and EU projects.
How to finance your Open Access publications?
As a researcher, you also come into contact with legal aspects when publishing. You find here all the necessary information on how to protect your own rights as an author when publishing.
For all UZH researchers, we operate the institutional repository ZORA. For the publication of journals, the publication platform HOPE is available.