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Since March 2009, Bettina Dennerlein has been Full Professor of Gender Studies and Islamic Studies at the Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies (IAOS) at the University of Zurich. She received her Ph.D. in 1997 from the Free University in Berlin. She has been granted fellowships at Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (Institute for Advanced Studies), Van Leer Jerusalem Institute and Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (Paris). In April 2000 she joined the Centre of Modern Oriental Studies (Berlin) and later Humboldt University in Berlin as a Senior Researcher. From 2007 to 2009 she was Professor for the History of the Modern Arab World (Islamic Studies) at the University of Hamburg.
Personal Research interests:
Current research projects at the chair:
Collective thematic research foci at the chair:
Research and teaching at the Chair of Gender Studies and Islamic Studies deal with topics of cultural and social history of the Middle East and North Africa from the 18th century to the present. They combine theory-based questions with the philological analysis of Source materials in the original language (Arabic, Turkish).
In Gender Studies, teaching focuses on theories of Gender Studies as well as Postcolonial and Regional Studies perspectives.