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Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies

Human Court - Lesung und Gespräch mit anschliessendem Vortrag


Cho Kwanghee (Author)

Joseph Lee (Literary Scholar)

Daniela Tan (Japanologist, UZH)

Date and Time

April 19, 2023, from 5:15 pm


University of Zurich, Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, Room ZUB 314, Zürichbergstrasse 4, 8032 Zürich


We find ourselves in the year 2121. In the capital of the East Asian Union, an android seems to have killed a human being. Yunpyo, a lawyer and activist, pushes for a fair trial for the android - with a court, a hearing, a defense; a study of motive - instead of its simple "discharge". A complicated legal battle ensues...

Cho Kwanghee, a lawyer turned writer, presents his new novel "Human Court", the first to be translated into German, and a huge popular success in his native South Korea (right now it is being adapted into a musical). He will visit us for a reading from the Korean original as well as from the English and the German translations. Literary scholar Joseph Lee will subsequently place Cho Kwanghee's work in the broader context of South Korea's contemporary literary landscape. Daniela Tan will guide us through the evening.

Further Information

Zentrum für literarische Gegenwart


Zentrum für literarische Gegenwart

Korean Literature Translation Institute

Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies


Weiterführende Informationen

Cho Kwanghee

Cho Kwanghee: "Human Court"