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Having a Strategy, Ensuring Success: School Progression and Work Transi­tion of Immigrant-origin Youths in Japan

Having a Strategy, Ensuring Success: School Progression and Work Transi­tion of Immigrant-origin Youths in Japan


Prof. Dr. Giulia Dugar (University of Bologna)

Datum und Zeit

18. Oktober 2023, 10:15-11:45 Uhr


Universität Zürich, Raum RAA-G-15, Zürichbergstrasse 4, 8032 Zürich


Extensive research has proven how students of immigrant origin find themselves at a disadvantage compared to their native peers in terms of school progression and performance, which in turn translates into poorer occupational outcomes and lower socio-economic positioning. The Japanese case, with its education system and the presence of “school for foreigners”, offers a privileged stage to observe such gaps. The lecture, voiced by narratives of youths of immigrant origins, discloses what choices and strategies students adopt to navigate and make it in Japan, as well as the structural faults that exacerbate the effect of the so-called ethnic penalty.


Asien-Orient-Institut - Japanologie


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