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Gender Studies
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Gender Studies
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24. Treffen des Arbeitskreises Vormoderne japanische Literatur, 29.–30. November 2024, Universität Zürich
International Workshop: Comparative Perspectives on the Transformation of East Asian Labor Markets through International Skilled Migration, Todai, November 2, 2024
Workshop: Feminism in Research: MENA and Beyond, September 20-21, 2024
Workshop: Staying practices of skilled migrants in industrialized countries: Comparative perspectives from (East) Asia and Switzerland, August 29-30, 2024
Workshop: Revisiting India's Silent Revolution, June 20-22, 2024
Workshop "Time and Emotion in Medieval Japanese Literature" 15-16 August 2023
International Symposium: Mediality of Premodern Japanese Narratives - A Diachronic Perspective
The Tongue of the Desert (HS23)
ZICILP Conference: For pleasure, for liberation? Discourses on the performing arts in classical and medieval India (FS23)
International Workshop: At the Forefront of Geopolitical Confrontation in Asia: Taiwan in Perspective (FS23)
VSJF Conference: Deviance and Norms in Times of Change in Japan (HS22)
International Conference: Poetic Tightrope Walks. Time, Space, Bodies and Things in Contemporary Sinophone Poetry (HS22)
Harry Potter - An Interdisciplinary Workshop on a Multidimensional Transmedia Phenomenon (HS22)
The Politization of Islam in East Asia, 1850-1950 (HS22)
Association for Middle East Women's Studies, Beirut (FS22)
Conference: Borders, Thresholds, Barriers in Japan (FS22)
Forschungskolloquium Islamwissenschaft (MUBIT) (FS22)
Graduate Student Workshop: Practical Issues of Fieldwork in Japan (HS21)
Fachtagung SGGF: Frauenwahlrecht und Demokratie heute: Kritik, Erinnerung, Visionen (HS21)
Workshop: China, US and us: International Response to US-China Strategic Competition (HS21)
Writing Individual Itineraries in the Mediterranean Macro-Region (HS21)
Workshop: Post-Olympics Japan (HS21)
The Ottoman Empire and the “Germansphere” in the Age of Imperialism (FS21)
Workshop: Warrior Queens and Resistance Fighters: The Role of Female Figures in Imperialist Mythology (FS21)
International Workshop: Unsettling Normative Modernities: Gender and the Politics of Re-making Sexual Difference in the MENA (FS21)
International Workshop: Queering the Boundaries of the Arts in the Sinosphere (FS21)
Kick-Off Workshop: Gender, Politics and Critique in the MENA: Towards a Critical History of Feminism, 1970s until Today (FS21)
Forschungskolloquium Islamwissenschaft (MUBIT) (FS21)
Workshop: The Technological Imaginary in Contemporary Chinese Literature (HS20)
International Workshop: Small, Medium and Great Powers' Response to US-China Strategic Competition: Neutrality, Choosing Sides, or Bandwagoning (HS20)
Workshop: Wired China: Digital Media and Online Culture (HS20)
Workshop: Facing Methodological Challenges in Asian Studies (HS 20)
Jahrestagung DVCS: Krise und Risiko. China und der Umgang mit Unwägbarkeit (HS20)
Zeit in der vormodernen japanischen Literatur: 20. Treffen des Arbeitskreises Vormoderne japanische Literatur (HS 20)
New Perspectives on the "Orphan Stories" in the One Thousand and One Nights (FS20)
Doktorandenseminar/Workshop: "Heavenly Questions": Text and Translations, Interpretive Traditions, and Comparative Contexts (HS19)
Doktorandenseminar/Workshop: Nature and Critical Ecology in Chinese Aesthetics, Literature, and Film (HS19)
Creating Spaces, Connecting Worlds: Dimensions of the Press in the Middle East and Eurasia (HS19)
Forschungswerkstatt Doktoratsprogramm Gender Studies: Konfigurationen von Geschlecht (HS19)
ZICILP Conference: The Atharvaveda and its South Asian Contexts (HS19)
Drugs and the Politics of Consumption in Japan (HS19)
Current Research on Astrological Texts and Documents from the Cairo Genizah (FS19)
Doktorandenseminar/Workshop: Contemporary Issues on Formosan Languages (FS19)
Archive and Gender: Views from the Maghreb (FS19)
Gender Equality, Diversity and Critique: Transnational Perspectives (FS19)
Tagung: Perspektiven der modernen japanischen Philosophie (FS19)
Tagung: Komplexität abbilden – Islam und Naher Osten zwischen Medien und Wissenschaft (FS19)
The Pillars of Rules: The Writ of Dynasties and Nation-States in the Middle East and South Asia (FS19)
Doktorandenseminar/Workshop: Rekalibrierungen des chinesischen Governance-Modells unter Xi Jinping (HS18)
Workshop: AAS: How to Submit a Successful Panel Proposal (HS18)
Workshop: digital humanities für Doktorierende (HS18)
Doktorandenseminar/Workshop: Buddhist Chinese: An Introduction (HS18)
Forschungswerkstatt Doktoratsprogramm Gender Studies: Konfigurationen von Geschlecht (HS18)
International Workshop: Residual Futures: Rethinking Utopianism in Modern China (HS18)
Doktorandenseminar/Workshop: Xunzi, Jiebipian (HS18)
Third Annual Conference of the Japan Economy Network (HS18)
Vortrag und Workshop zur Verwendung computergestützter und webbasierter Hilfsmittel im Japanischunterricht (HS18)
Konferenz: Performing Human Rights (FS18)
Workshop: Philosophy and Translation in the Islamic World (FS18)
Doktorandenseminar/Workshop: The Book of Songs: Introduction and Readings (FS18)
Workshop: Warp, Woof, Wen / Phoneme, Pattern, Pun (FS18)
15th Annual Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies: Sustainable Taiwan (FS18)
Symposium: Moderne japanische Gärten (HS17)
Textgestaltung im Mittelalter. Werkstattgespräche zum Layout europäischer und orientalischer Handschriften (HS17)
Doktorandenseminar/Workshop: Interpreting the Xunzi. Philosophical and Philological Problems (HS17)
Editionswissenschaft und Textkritik im digitalen Zeitalter (HS17)
Civil Society versus the State? Emergent Trajectories of Civic Agency in East Asia in Comparative and Transnational Perspective (HS17)
Welfare schemes, the state and corruption in South Asia: quantitative and qualitative approaches (FS17)
The Making of Sexuality. Entangled Histories of Regulation, Intelligibility and Subjectivation
Concepts that Matter! Terminologies of Women and Gender in Transnational Perspective (FS17)
Coming of Age in Sinophone Studies (FS17)
Culture, Subjectivity and Neoliberalism (HS 2016)
Vision and Visuality in Buddhism and Beyond (HS 2016)
Islamische Kunst (HS 2016)
Lost and Found in Transition (HS 2016)
Many Different Shores (HS 2016)
Post-Colonial Feminisms (FS 2016)
ZICILP Conference: The Nārāyaṇīya. Reconsidering an Epic Text and its Contexts
Feminism and Theory in the Arab World (FS 2016)
Putting the House of Wisdom in Order (FS 2016)
ZICILP Conference: Transgression and Encounters with the Terrible in Buddhist and Śaiva Tantras
Publication Workshop (HS 2015)
Activism in Contemporary Japan (HS 2015)
Concepts in Transition (HS 2015)
Civil Society in Taiwan and Hong Kong (FS 2015)
Humanistic Scholarship and the Anthropocene (FS 2015)
Civil Society in Japan (HS 2014)
Intersubjectivity and Eco-theory (HS 2014)
Gendering Citizenship (HS 2014)
The Gongsunlongzi and Other Neglected Texts (HS 2014)
Sterbehilfe und Suizidbeihilfe (HS 2013)
Masters of Disguise? (HS 2013)
The Chinese Communist Party and the Politicization of Traditions (FS 2013)
Intersectionality Revisited (FS 2013)
Internationales Symposium (FS 2013): Entangled Landscapes
Unterseiten-Menü schliessen
Konferenzen und Workshops
24. Treffen des Arbeitskreises Vormoderne japanische Literatur, 29.–30. November 2024, Universität Zürich
International Workshop: Comparative Perspectives on the Transformation of East Asian Labor Markets through International Skilled Migration, Tokyo University, November 2, 2024
Workshop: Feminism in Research: MENA and Beyond, September 20-21, 2024
Workshop: Staying practices of skilled migrants in industrialized countries: Comparative perspectives from (East) Asia and Switzerland, August 29-30, 2024
Workshop: Revisiting India's Silent Revolution, June 20-22, 2024
Methods Workshop "Time and Emotion in Medieval Japanese Literature", 15-16 August 2023
International Symposium: Mediality of Premodern Japanese Narratives - A Diachronic Perspective
The Tongue of the Desert: Jean Jacques Hess’ Studies on Language, Customs, and Beliefs of the Bedouins of Central Arabia
ZICILP Conference: For pleasure, for liberation? Discourses on the performing arts in classical and medieval India
International Workshop: At the Forefront of Geopolitical Confrontation in Asia: Taiwan in Perspective
Deviance and Norms in Times of Change in Japan
International Conference: Poetic Tightrope Walks. Time, Space, Bodies and Things in Contemporary Sinophone Poetry
Harry Potter - An Interdisciplinary Workshop on a Multidimensional Transmedia Phenomenon
The Politization of Islam in East Asia, 1850-1950
Association for Middle East Women's Studies Conference
Borders, Thresholds, Barriers in Japan
Forschungskolloquium Islamwissenschaft (MUBIT) FS 2022
Practical Issues of Fieldwork in Japan
Fachtagung SGGF 2021: Frauenwahlrecht und Demokratie heute: Kritik, Erinnerung, Visionen
Workshop: China, US and us: International Response to US-China Strategic Competition
Writing Individual Itineraries in the Mediterranean Macro-Region: Methodological Considerations about the Relationship between Biography and Structure
Post-Olympics Japan: Renewal or Failure?
The Ottoman Empire and the “Germansphere” in the Age of Imperialism
Workshop: Warrior Queens and Resistance Fighters: The Role of Female Figures in Imperialist Mythology
International Workshop: Unsettling Normative Modernities: Gender and the Politics of Re-making Sexual Difference in the MENA
International Workshop: Queering the Boundaries of the Arts in the Sinosphere
Kick-Off Workshop: Gender, Politics and Critique in the MENA: Towards a Critical History of Feminism, 1970s until Today
Forschungskolloquium Islamwissenschaft (MUBIT) FS 2021
Workshop: The Technological Imaginary in Contemporary Chinese Literature
International Workshop: Small, Medium and Great Powers' Response to US-China Strategic Competition: Neutrality, Choosing Sides, or Bandwagoning
Workshop: Wired China: Digital Media and Online Culture - Call for Papers - CLOSED
Facing Methodological Challenges in Asian Studies
Jahrestagung DVCS (Online): Krise und Risiko. China und der Umgang mit Unwägbarkeit - Call for Papers - CLOSED
Zeit in der vormodernen japanischen Literatur
International Workshop: New Perspectives on the "Orphan Stories" in the One Thousand and One Nights
Doktorandenseminar/Workshop: "Heavenly Questions": Text and Translations, Interpretive Traditions, and Comparative Contexts
Doktorandenseminar/Workshop: Nature and Critical Ecology in Chinese Aesthetics, Literature, and Film
Workshop: Creating Spaces, Connecting Worlds: Dimensions of the Press in the Middle East and Eurasia
Forschungswerkstatt Doktoratsprogramm Gender Studies: Konfigurationen von Geschlecht: Performativität und Verkörperung
ZICILP Conference: The Atharvaveda and its South Asian Contexts
Drugs and the Politics of Consumption in Japan
Workshop: Current Research on Astrological Texts and Documents from the Cairo Genizah
Doktorandenseminar/Workshop: Contemporary Issues on Formosan Languages
Archive and Gender: Views from the Maghreb
Gender Equality, Diversity and Critique: Transnational Perspectives
Perspektiven der modernen japanischen Philosophie
Tagung: Komplexität abbilden – Islam und Naher Osten zwischen Medien und Wissenschaft
The Pillars of Rules: The Writ of Dynasties and Nation-States in the Middle East and South Asia
Doktorandenseminar/Workshop: Rekalibrierungen des chinesischen Governance-Modells unter Xi Jinping
Workshop: Association for Asian Studies: How to Submit a Successful Panel Proposal
Workshop: digital humanities für Doktorierende
Doktorandenseminar/Workshop: Buddhist Chinese: An Introduction
Forschungswerkstatt Doktoratsprogramm Gender Studies: Konfigurationen von Geschlecht
International Workshop: Residual Futures: Rethinking Utopianism in Modern China
Doktorandenseminar/Workshop: Xunzi, Jiebipian
Third Annual Conference of the Japan Economy Network
Vortrag und Workshop zur Verwendung computergestützter und webbasierter Hilfsmittel im Japanischunterricht
Konferenz: Performing Human Rights – Contested Amnesia and Historical Justice in Latin America and the Middle East
International Workshop: Philosophy and Translation in the Islamic World
Doktorandenseminar/Workshop: The Book of Songs: Introduction and Readings
International Workshop: Warp, Woof, Wen / Phoneme, Pattern, Pun - Structural Approaches to Early Chinese Texts
15th Annual Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies: Sustainable Taiwan
Symposium: Moderne japanische Gärten
Workshop: Textgestaltung im Mittelalter. Werkstattgespräche zum Layout europäischer und orientalischer Handschriften
Doktorandenseminar/Workshop: Interpreting the Xunzi. Philosophical and Philological Problems
Workshop: Editionswissenschaft und Textkritik im digitalen Zeitalter
Civil Society versus the State? Emergent Trajectories of Civic Agency in East Asia in Comparative and Transnational Perspective
Welfare schemes, the state and corruption in South Asia: quantitative and qualitative approaches
The Making of Sexuality. Entangled Histories of Regulation, Intelligibility and Subjectivation
Concepts that Matter! Terminologies of Women and Gender in Transnational Perspective
Coming of Age in Sinophone Studies
Culture, Subjectivity and Neoliberalism
Vision and Visuality in Buddhism and Beyond
Islamische Kunst: Rezeptionsprozesse im Mittelalter und in der Neuzeit
Hong Kong Identity: Lost and Found in Transition
Many Different Shores: Hong Kong Connections Across the South-/East Asian Sinosphere
Post-Colonial Feminisms: Perspectives from Egypt, India, and Japan
ZICILP Conference: The Nārāyaṇīya. Reconsidering an Epic Text and its Contexts
Feminism and Theory in the Arab World
Putting the House of Wisdom in Order: The Fourth Islamic Century and the Impulse to Classify, Arrange and Inventory
ZICILP Conference: Transgression and Encounters with the Terrible in Buddhist and Śaiva Tantras
Publication Workshop
Activism in Contemporary Japan: New Ideas, Players and Arenas?
Concepts in Transition: Modes and Effects of Change
Civil Society in Taiwan and Hong Kong: Looking back and Reaching out
Humanistic Scholarship and the Anthropocene: Approaching China from a Sustainability Paradigm
Civil Society in Japan
Intersubjectivity and Eco-theory
Gendering Citizenship
The Gongsunlongzi and Other Neglected Texts: Aligning Philosophical and Philological Perspectives
Sterbehilfe und Suizidbeihilfe: Japan, Deutschland und die Schweiz in vergleichender Perspektive
Masters of Disguise? Conceptions and Misconceptions of ‘Rhetoric’ in Chinese Antiquity
The Chinese Communist Party and the Politicization of Traditions
Intersectionality Revisited
Entangled Landscapes: Re-thinking the Landscape Exchange between China and Europe in the
16th–18th Centuries
Weiterführende Informationen
Teaser text
Zum UZH Portal
24. Treffen des Arbeitskreises Vormoderne japanische Literatur, 29.–30. November 2024, Universität Zürich
International Workshop: Comparative Perspectives on the Transformation of East Asian Labor Markets through International Skilled Migration, Todai, November 2, 2024
Workshop: Feminism in Research: MENA and Beyond, September 20-21, 2024
Workshop: Staying practices of skilled migrants in industrialized countries: Comparative perspectives from (East) Asia and Switzerland, August 29-30, 2024
Workshop: Revisiting India's Silent Revolution, June 20-22, 2024
Workshop "Time and Emotion in Medieval Japanese Literature" 15-16 August 2023
International Symposium: Mediality of Premodern Japanese Narratives - A Diachronic Perspective
The Tongue of the Desert (HS23)
ZICILP Conference: For pleasure, for liberation? Discourses on the performing arts in classical and medieval India (FS23)
International Workshop: At the Forefront of Geopolitical Confrontation in Asia: Taiwan in Perspective (FS23)
VSJF Conference: Deviance and Norms in Times of Change in Japan (HS22)
International Conference: Poetic Tightrope Walks. Time, Space, Bodies and Things in Contemporary Sinophone Poetry (HS22)
Harry Potter - An Interdisciplinary Workshop on a Multidimensional Transmedia Phenomenon (HS22)
The Politization of Islam in East Asia, 1850-1950 (HS22)
Association for Middle East Women's Studies, Beirut (FS22)
Conference: Borders, Thresholds, Barriers in Japan (FS22)
Forschungskolloquium Islamwissenschaft (MUBIT) (FS22)
Graduate Student Workshop: Practical Issues of Fieldwork in Japan (HS21)
Fachtagung SGGF: Frauenwahlrecht und Demokratie heute: Kritik, Erinnerung, Visionen (HS21)
Workshop: China, US and us: International Response to US-China Strategic Competition (HS21)
Writing Individual Itineraries in the Mediterranean Macro-Region (HS21)
Workshop: Post-Olympics Japan (HS21)
The Ottoman Empire and the “Germansphere” in the Age of Imperialism (FS21)
Workshop: Warrior Queens and Resistance Fighters: The Role of Female Figures in Imperialist Mythology (FS21)
International Workshop: Unsettling Normative Modernities: Gender and the Politics of Re-making Sexual Difference in the MENA (FS21)
International Workshop: Queering the Boundaries of the Arts in the Sinosphere (FS21)
Kick-Off Workshop: Gender, Politics and Critique in the MENA: Towards a Critical History of Feminism, 1970s until Today (FS21)
Forschungskolloquium Islamwissenschaft (MUBIT) (FS21)
Workshop: The Technological Imaginary in Contemporary Chinese Literature (HS20)
International Workshop: Small, Medium and Great Powers' Response to US-China Strategic Competition: Neutrality, Choosing Sides, or Bandwagoning (HS20)
Workshop: Wired China: Digital Media and Online Culture (HS20)
Workshop: Facing Methodological Challenges in Asian Studies (HS 20)
Jahrestagung DVCS: Krise und Risiko. China und der Umgang mit Unwägbarkeit (HS20)
Zeit in der vormodernen japanischen Literatur: 20. Treffen des Arbeitskreises Vormoderne japanische Literatur (HS 20)
New Perspectives on the "Orphan Stories" in the One Thousand and One Nights (FS20)
Doktorandenseminar/Workshop: "Heavenly Questions": Text and Translations, Interpretive Traditions, and Comparative Contexts (HS19)
Doktorandenseminar/Workshop: Nature and Critical Ecology in Chinese Aesthetics, Literature, and Film (HS19)
Creating Spaces, Connecting Worlds: Dimensions of the Press in the Middle East and Eurasia (HS19)
Forschungswerkstatt Doktoratsprogramm Gender Studies: Konfigurationen von Geschlecht (HS19)
ZICILP Conference: The Atharvaveda and its South Asian Contexts (HS19)
Drugs and the Politics of Consumption in Japan (HS19)
Current Research on Astrological Texts and Documents from the Cairo Genizah (FS19)
Doktorandenseminar/Workshop: Contemporary Issues on Formosan Languages (FS19)
Archive and Gender: Views from the Maghreb (FS19)
Gender Equality, Diversity and Critique: Transnational Perspectives (FS19)
Tagung: Perspektiven der modernen japanischen Philosophie (FS19)
Tagung: Komplexität abbilden – Islam und Naher Osten zwischen Medien und Wissenschaft (FS19)
The Pillars of Rules: The Writ of Dynasties and Nation-States in the Middle East and South Asia (FS19)
Doktorandenseminar/Workshop: Rekalibrierungen des chinesischen Governance-Modells unter Xi Jinping (HS18)
Workshop: AAS: How to Submit a Successful Panel Proposal (HS18)
Workshop: digital humanities für Doktorierende (HS18)
Doktorandenseminar/Workshop: Buddhist Chinese: An Introduction (HS18)
Forschungswerkstatt Doktoratsprogramm Gender Studies: Konfigurationen von Geschlecht (HS18)
International Workshop: Residual Futures: Rethinking Utopianism in Modern China (HS18)
Doktorandenseminar/Workshop: Xunzi, Jiebipian (HS18)
Third Annual Conference of the Japan Economy Network (HS18)
Vortrag und Workshop zur Verwendung computergestützter und webbasierter Hilfsmittel im Japanischunterricht (HS18)
Konferenz: Performing Human Rights (FS18)
Workshop: Philosophy and Translation in the Islamic World (FS18)
Doktorandenseminar/Workshop: The Book of Songs: Introduction and Readings (FS18)
Workshop: Warp, Woof, Wen / Phoneme, Pattern, Pun (FS18)
15th Annual Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies: Sustainable Taiwan (FS18)
Symposium: Moderne japanische Gärten (HS17)
Textgestaltung im Mittelalter. Werkstattgespräche zum Layout europäischer und orientalischer Handschriften (HS17)
Doktorandenseminar/Workshop: Interpreting the Xunzi. Philosophical and Philological Problems (HS17)
Editionswissenschaft und Textkritik im digitalen Zeitalter (HS17)
Civil Society versus the State? Emergent Trajectories of Civic Agency in East Asia in Comparative and Transnational Perspective (HS17)
Welfare schemes, the state and corruption in South Asia: quantitative and qualitative approaches (FS17)
The Making of Sexuality. Entangled Histories of Regulation, Intelligibility and Subjectivation
Concepts that Matter! Terminologies of Women and Gender in Transnational Perspective (FS17)
Coming of Age in Sinophone Studies (FS17)
Culture, Subjectivity and Neoliberalism (HS 2016)
Vision and Visuality in Buddhism and Beyond (HS 2016)
Islamische Kunst (HS 2016)
Lost and Found in Transition (HS 2016)
Many Different Shores (HS 2016)
Post-Colonial Feminisms (FS 2016)
ZICILP Conference: The Nārāyaṇīya. Reconsidering an Epic Text and its Contexts
Feminism and Theory in the Arab World (FS 2016)
Putting the House of Wisdom in Order (FS 2016)
ZICILP Conference: Transgression and Encounters with the Terrible in Buddhist and Śaiva Tantras
Publication Workshop (HS 2015)
Activism in Contemporary Japan (HS 2015)
Concepts in Transition (HS 2015)
Civil Society in Taiwan and Hong Kong (FS 2015)
Humanistic Scholarship and the Anthropocene (FS 2015)
Civil Society in Japan (HS 2014)
Intersubjectivity and Eco-theory (HS 2014)
Gendering Citizenship (HS 2014)
The Gongsunlongzi and Other Neglected Texts (HS 2014)
Sterbehilfe und Suizidbeihilfe (HS 2013)
Masters of Disguise? (HS 2013)
The Chinese Communist Party and the Politicization of Traditions (FS 2013)
Intersectionality Revisited (FS 2013)
Internationales Symposium (FS 2013): Entangled Landscapes
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