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University Library Zurich

Detailed System (A-Z)

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1st floor (call numbers A – C)


A General reference works and librarianship
Aa Books and libraries
Aaa General
Aab Books and libraries
Aac Library Law
Aay Books and libraries: series of publications
Aaz Books and libraries: journals
Ab Bibliographies
Aba Switzerland: general and non-legal bibliographies
Abb Switzerland: legal bibliographies
Abc Others: general and non-legal bibliographies
Abd Others: legal bibliographies
Ac Legal bibliographies (new: Abb and Abd)
Ac General encyclopedias
Aca Switzerland: encyclopedias and non-legal encyclopedias
Acb Other: encyclopedias and non-legal encyclopedias
Ad Specialist dictionaries
Ada Switzerland: legal lexicons
Add Germany: legal lexicons
Ade Austria: legal lexicons
Adf France: legal lexicons
Adg Italy: legal lexicons
Adl Other European countries: legal lexicons
Adm Great Britain: legal lexicons
Adn USA: legal lexicons
Adt Other states: legal lexicons
Ae Dictionaries and reference works
Aea German: general
Aeb French: general
Aec French: legal
Aed Italian: general
Aee Italian: legal
Aef English: general
Aeg English: legal
Aeh Several and other languages: general, legal
Aei Old languages: general, legal
Af Various reference works
Afa Switzerland: list of abbreviations
Afb Other: lists of abbreviations
Afc Switzerland: register of persons and institutions
Afd Other: registers of persons and institutions
Afe Switzerland: statistics
Aff Other: statistics
Afg Other reference works


B General legal literature
Ba Legal studies, legal professions
Baa Legal work technique
Bab Study guide, legal professions
Bb Philosophy of Science, methodology (new: Ca)
Bb Introduction to the law and legal system of individual countries
Bba Generally
Bbb Switzerland
Bbd Germany
Bbe Austria
Bbf France
Bbg Italy
Bbl Other European states
Bbm Great Britain
Bbt Other states
Bbv Cross-national introductions (including common law and civil law)
Bc Biographies and writings of individual lawyers
Bca Biographies
Bcb Collected writings of individual lawyers
Bcc Lowercase (divided by subject)
  Bcc 1: Criminal law and criminal procedure law
  Bcc 2: Criminology
  Bcc 3: International law / European law
  Bcc 4: Foreign and comparative public law
  Bcc 5: Swiss public law
  Bcc 6: Foreign private law and procedural law
  Bcc 7: Swiss private law including procedural law
  Bcc 8: Intellectual property law, competition law, media law
  Bcc 9: Roman law, legal history and canon law
  Bcc 10: Legal philosophy, legal theory, interdisciplinary
  Bcc 11: Miscellaneous
  Bcc 12: International private law, international civil procedure law
Bcd Professor separata
Bce Award-winning seminar and master theses (Orelli prizes)
Bd Introduction to jurisprudence (new: Baa, Bb and Ca)
Be Law of individual countries (new: Bb)
  Be 5101– : Islamic countries
Bf Philosophy of Law (new: Ca)
Bg Sociology of Law (new: Cb)
Bl Environmental protection law, genetic engineering law (Bl, will no longer be stocked from March 2021, new in S, T or V)
Bx Festschrifts and Collections
Bxa 1 Specifications for the Swiss Lawyers' Day
Bxa 2–
Festschrifts until summer 2010 (will no longer be stocked, new: Bxb)
Bxb Interdisciplinary commemorative publications, commemorative publications / Festschrifts (from summer 2010)
Bxc Interdisciplinary compilations
By Series of publications
Byy General legal literature: series of publications
Bz Journals
Bzz General legal literature: journals


C Philosophy of law, theory of law, sociology of law, comparative law ...
Ca Legal philosophy, legal theory and methodology (old: Bf and Bb)
Caa Reference books
Cab General philosophy of science
Cac General Philosophy
Cad (Collective) writings of individual philosophers
Cae Legal philosophy and legal theory: overall representations
Caf Philosophy of law and theory of law: individual representations
Cay Series of publications
Caz Journals
Cb General and legal sociology (old: Bg)
Cba Reference books
Cbb General sociology
Cbc (Collective) writings of individual sociologists
Cbd Sociology of law: overall presentations
Cbe Sociology of law: individual representations
Cby Series of publications
Cbz Journals
Cc Legislation and legal policy
Cca Jurisprudence / legislation
Ccy Series of publications
Ccz Journals
Cd Theory and methodology of comparative law
Cda Theory and methodology of comparative law: overviews
Cdb Theory and methodology of comparative law: individual descriptions
Cdy Series of publications
Cdz Journals
Ce Law and language
Cea Law and language: overall representations
Ceb Law and language: individual representations
Cey Series of publications
Cez Journals
Cf Law and image, legal visualization, legal iconography
Cfa Law and image, legal visualisations: overall representations
Cfb Law and image, legal visualisations: individual representations
Cfy Series of publications
Cfz Journals
Cg Law and gender
Cgb Law and gender: individual representations
Cgy Series of publications
Cgz Journals
Ch Law and economics, economic analysis of law, behavioral law and economics
Cha Reference books
Chb General economics
Chc Law and economics, economic analysis of law, behavioral law and economics: overall presentations
Chd Law and economics, economic analysis of law, behavioral law and economics: individual presentations
Chy Series of publications
Chz Journals

Law and psychology
(old: Bo)

Cia Reference books
Cib General psychology
Cic Law and psychology: overviews
Cid Law and psychology: individual representations
Ciy Series of publications
Ciz Journals
Ck Other legal and non-legal literature
Cka Other legal literature
Ckb Other non-legal scientific literature
Cl Literary and humorous, varia
Cla Literary and humorous, varia

2nd floor (call numbers D – G)

D General and comparative legal history (including ecclesiastical law)
Da Bibliographies, encyclopedias, etc.
Db Legal archeology and legal folklore
Dc Legal language
Dd General
De France
Df Italy
Dg Great Britain
Dh Spain
Di Benelux countries
Dk Nordic States
Dl Eastern European States
Dm Other States
Du Ecclesiastical law
Ecclesiastical law: General, comparative law
Catholic canon law
Evangelical church law
State church law: general
State church law: Switzerland
State church law: abroad
Ecclesiastical law: Collections and series of publications
Ecclesiastical law: Journals
Dx Department of legal visualization of the center for legal history research
Dy Series of publications
Dyy Canon and state church law, religious law, history of canon law: series of publications
Dz Journals

Canon and state church law, religious law, history of canon law: journals



E Roman law
Ea Sources
Eb Dictionaries, bibliographies, digest exegesis
Ec Non-legal writers
Ed Legal history
Ee History of antiquity
Ef Public law
Eg Criminal law and criminal procedure law
Eh General (from all areas of law)
Ei Private law (overall presentations)
Ek General part of private law
El Law of obligations
Em Property law
En Personal law
Eo Right of inheritance
Ep Civil procedural law
Eq Middle Ages and modern times
Er Common law (historical law school and pandect law)
Es Common law (private law)
Eu Greek law
Attention: Eu I-XX:
European law (originally holdings of the former IVR library) in the "Compactus" room (2nd basement level)
Ev Papyrus lore
Ew Oriental rights
Ey Series of publications
Eyy Roman law and legal history of antiquity: series of publications
Ez Journals
Ezz Roman law and legal history of antiquity: journals


F German legal history
Fa German history
Fb Sources of law
Fc Legal history treatises
Fd State and administrative law
Fe Private law
Ff Procedural and enforcement law
Fg Criminal law and criminal procedure law
Fh Economic and social history
Fi History of science
Fk Clerks and notaries, lawyers
Fy Series of publications
Fyy Series of publications on legal history
Fz Journals
Fzz Legal history journals


G Swiss legal history
Ga General
Gaa General
Gb General History
Gba General history: Switzerland / cantons overall representations
Gbb General history: Switzerland / cantons individual representations
Gc Sources
Gca General studies on source studies, bibliographies
Gcb Switzerland / cantons as well as comprehensive source editions
Gcc Old cantonal codifications
Gcd Literature on old codifications
Gd General Swiss legal history, Swiss constitutional history (including history of public law)
Gda Swiss legal history and constitutional history: overall presentations
Gdb Swiss legal history and constitutional history: individual descriptions
Gdc Legal history of the cantons
Gdd History of jurisprudence, history of science
Ge History of private law
Gea History of Private Law: Switzerland / cantons
Gf Criminal history
Gfa Criminal law history: Switzerland / cantons
Gy Series of publications
Gyy Swiss legal history: series of publications
Gz Journals
Gzz Swiss legal history: journals

3rd floor (call numbers H – L)

H Swiss Civil Code
Ha General
Haa General
Hb Laws
Hba Legal texts
Hbb Materials
Hc Comprehensive overall and individual representations
Hca Swiss private law: major comments and overall presentations
Hcb ZGB: comprehensive overall presentations
Hcc ZGB: comprehensive individual representations
Hd Introductory article and final title
Hda Introductory article and final title: overall presentations
Hdb Introductory article and final title: individual representations
He Personal law
Hea Personal law: overall representations
Heb Personal law: individual representations
Hf Family law
Hfa Family law: overview
Hfb Family law: individual representations
Hg Right of inheritance
Hga Inheritance law: overall presentations
Hgb Inheritance law: individual representations
Hh Property law
Hha Property law: overall representations
Hhb Property law: individual representations
Hy Series of publications
Hyy ZGB: series of publications
Hz Journals
Hz ZGB: journals


J Swiss Code of Obligations and commercial law, business law
Ja General and theoretical
Jaa General and theoretical
Jb Laws
Jba Legal texts
Jbb Materials
Jc Comprehensive overall and individual representations
Jca OR and commercial or business law: comprehensive representations and individual representations
Jcc Code of Obligations: overall representations
Jcd Commercial and business law: overall presentations
Jd General provisions of the Swiss Code of Obligations
Jda General part of the Code of Obligations: overall presentation
Jdb General part of the Code of Obligations: individual representations
Jdc Liability law: overall presentations
Jdd Liability law: individual representations
Je Individual contractual relationships, insurance law (without social security law)
Jea Special part: overall presentations
Jeb Special section / individual contractual relationships: individual representations
Jee Insurance law (without social security law): overview
Jef Insurance law (without social security law): individual descriptions
Jf Corporate law
Jfa Company law (including company law, law of SMEs, compliance, corporate governance): overall presentations
Jfb Company law (including company law, law of SMEs, compliance, corporate governance): individual descriptions
Jfc Stock corporation law: overall representations
Jfd Stock corporation law: individual representations
Jfe Limited liability company (GmbH): overall presentations
Jff Limited liability company (GmbH): individual representations
Jfg Other forms of society
Jfh Groups, restructuring, mergers: overall presentations
Jfi Groups, restructuring, mergers: individual representations
Jg Commercial register, business companies, commercial accounting
Jga Commercial register, business companies, commercial accounting: overall presentations
Jgb Commercial register, business companies, commercial accounting: individual representations
Jh Securities law
Jha Securities law: overall presentations
Jhb Securities law: individual representations
Ji Banking and capital market law, financial market law
Jia Banking and capital market law, financial market law: overview
Jib Banking and capital market law, financial market law: individual representations
Jy Series of publications
Jyy Swiss Code of Obligations and commercial and business law: series of publications
Jz Swiss Code of Obligations and commercial and business law: journals
Jzz Swiss Code of Obligations and commercial and business law: journals


K Foreign private law
Ka General
Kaa General
Kc European Union
Kca General
Kcb Legislative texts, materials
Kcc Private law: comprehensive representations
Kcd General doctrines and law of persons
Kce Family law
Kcf Right of inheritance
Kcg Property law
Kch Law of obligations
Kck Insurance law (without social security law)
Kd Germany
Kda General
Kdb Legislative texts, materials
Kdc Private law: comprehensive representations
Kdd General part of the BGB: overall presentation
Kde General part of the BGB: individual representations
Kdf Family law: overview
Kdg Family law: individual representations
Kdh Inheritance law: overall presentations
Kdi Inheritance law: individual representations
Kdk Property law: overall representations
Kdl Property law: individual representations
Kdm Law of Obligations (AT and/or BT): Overall presentations
Kdn Law of Obligations AT: Individual representations
Kdo BT law of obligations: individual representations
Kdp Insurance law (without social security law): overview
Kdq Insurance law (without social security law): individual descriptions
Ke Austria
Kea Austria is structured in the same way as the «European Union» (Kc)
Kf France
Kfa-Kfk Structure analogous to «European Union» (Kc)
Kg Italy
Kga-Kgk Structure analogous to «European Union» (Kc)
Kl Other European States
Kla-Klk Structure analogous to «European Union» (Kc)
Km Great Britain
Kma-Kmk Structure analogous to «European Union» (Kc)
Kna-Knk Structure analogous to «European Union» (Kc)
Kt Other states
Kta-Ktk Structure analogous to «European Union» (Kc)
Kv Comparative law and other transnational literature
Kva-Kvk Structure analogous to «European Union» (Kc)
Ky Series of publications
Kyy Foreign private law: series of publications
Kz Journals
Kzz Foreign Private Law: Journals


L Foreign trade and business law
La General
Laa General
Lab General literature on business topics
Lac Multinational corporations
Lc European Union
Lca General
Lcb Legislative texts, materials
Lcc Commercial and/or business law: general descriptions
Lcd Commercial and/or business law: individual descriptions
Lce Company law: comprehensive overall presentations
Lcf Company law - individual representations
Lcg Company law – joint-stock company
Lch Corporate law – other corporate forms
Lci Groups, restructuring, mergers
Lck accounting law
Lcl Securities law, banking and capital market law, financial market law, stock exchange law
Ld Germany
Lda General
Ldb Legislative texts, materials
Ldc Commercial and/or business law: general descriptions
Ldd Commercial and/or business law: individual descriptions
Lde Company law: Comprehensive overall presentations
Ldf Company law - individual representations
Ldg Corporate law – public limited company: overall presentation
Ldh Company law – joint-stock company: individual representations
Ldi Company law – GmbH: Overall presentation
Ldk Company law – GmbH: Individual representations
Ldl Corporate Law – Other corporate forms
Ldm Groups, restructuring, mergers: overall presentations
Ldn Groups, restructuring, mergers: individual representations
Ldo Accounting law
Ldp Securities law, banking and capital market law, financial market law, stock exchange law: general overview
Ldq Securities law, banking and capital market law, financial market law, stock exchange law: individual descriptions
Le Austria
Lea-Lel Austria is structured in the same way as the «European Union» (Lc)
Lf France
Lfa-Lfl Structure analogous to «European Union» (Lc)
Lg Italy
Lga-Lgl Structure analogous to «European Union» (Lc)
Ll Other European States
Lla-Lll Structure analogous to «European Union» (Lc)
Lm Great Britain
Lma-Lml Structure analogous to «European Union» (Lc)
Lna-Lnl Structure analogous to «European Union» (Lc)
Lt Other states
Lta-Ltl Structure analogous to «European Union» (Lc)
Lv Comparative law and other transnational literature
Lva Lvl Structure analogous to «European Union» (Lc)
Ly Series of publications
Lyy Foreign trade and business law: series of publications
Lz Journals
Lzz Foreign trade and business law: journals

4th floor (call numbers N – R)

N Intellectual property law, competition law, media law and consumer protection
Na General
Naa General interdisciplinary
Nab General: Commercial legal protection (trademark, design, sample and model law, patent law, competition law)
Nac General: copyright, art law, media law
Nad General: consumer protection
Nb Switzerland
Nba General interdisciplinary
Nbb Trademark law
Nbc Design, sample and model law
Nbd Copyright
Nbe Patent law
Nbf Competition law: antitrust law, unfair competition
Nbg Art law
Nbh Media law
Nbi Consumer protection
Nc European Union
Nca-Nci Structure analogous to «Switzerland» (Nb)
Nd Germany
Nda-Ndi Structure analogous to «Switzerland» (Nb)
Ne Austria
Nea-Nei Structure analogous to «Switzerland» (Nb)
Nf France
Nfa-Nfi Structure analogous to «Switzerland» (Nb)
Ng Italy
Nga-Ngi Structure analogous to «Switzerland» (Nb)
Nl Other European States
Nla–Nli Structure analogous to «Switzerland» (Nb)
Nm Great Britain
Nma-Nmi Structure analogous to «Switzerland» (Nb)
Nna-Nni Structure analogous to «Switzerland» (Nb)
Nt Other states
Nta-Nti Structure analogous to «Switzerland» (Nb)
Nv Comparative law and other transnational literature
Nva-Nvi Structure analogous to «Switzerland» (Nb)
Nw International law, law of international organizations, multinational conventions
Nwa-Nwi Structure analogous to «Switzerland» (Nb)
Ny Series of publications
Nyy Intellectual property law, competition law, media law, consumer protection: series of publications
Nz Journals
Nzz Intellectual property law, competition law, media law, consumer protection: journals


O Cross-cutting legal areas
Oa Medicine and law
Oaa General
Oab Ethics and morals
Oac Genetics and eugenics; birth control
Oad Patient rights
Oah Professional and liability law
Oaf Diseases and remedies
Oay Medicine and law: series of publications
Oaz Medicine and law: journals
Ob Informatics, digitization, data protection and law (from January 1, 2024, such titles will increasingly be collected in the relevant subject areas outside of «Ob», which means that «Ob» has a less magnetic effect. This applies to «Informatics, digitalization and law» and to «Data protection and law».)
Oba General
Obb Informatics, digitization and law: overall presentations
Obc Computer science, digitization and law: individual representations
Obd Data protection and law: overall presentations
top Data protection and law: individual representations
Oby Informatics, digitization, data protection and law: publication series
Obz Informatics, digitization, data protection and law: journals
Oc Traffic, transport and law
Oca General
Ocb Traffic and transport law: air
Occ Traffic and transport law: rail
ocd Traffic and transport law: road
Oce Traffic and transport law: bodies of water
Ocy Traffic and transport law: series of publications
Ocz Traffic and transport law: journals
Od Sports and law
Oda General
Odb Sports law: overall presentations
Odc Sports law: individual representations
Odd Marketing, sponsorship, sports coverage
Ode Doping
Odd Sports courts, arbitration
Ody Sport and law: series of publications
Odz Sports and law: journals
Oe Age and law
Oea General
Oeb Age and law: overall representations
Oec Age and law: individual representations
Oey Age and law: series of publications
Oez Age and law: journals


Swiss (civil) procedural law, alternative dispute resolution, SchKG, attorney and notary law
Pa General
Paa General
Pb Swiss (civil) procedural law
Pba General
Pbb Materials and legal texts
Pbc (Civil) procedural law, court organization: general descriptions
Pbd (Civil) procedural law, court organization: individual descriptions
Pc (Civil) procedural law of the cantons
Pca General
Pcb Materials and legal texts
Pcc (Civil) procedural law, court organization: general descriptions
Pcd (Civil) procedural law, court organization: individual descriptions
Pd Mediation, arbitration and other alternative dispute resolution
Pda General
Pdb Arbitration
Pdc Mediation and arbitration
Pe Debt collection and bankruptcy law
Pea General
Peb Materials and legal texts
Pec Overall representations
Ped Individual representations
Pf Attorney and notary law
Pfa General
Pfb Attorney law
Pfc Notarial law, notarization law
Py Series of publications
Pyy Swiss (Civil) procedural law, alternative dispute resolution, SchKG, legal and notarial law: series of publications
Pz Journals
Pz Swiss (Civil) procedural law, alternative dispute resolution, SchKG, legal and notarial law: journals


Q Foreign (civil) procedural law, alternative dispute resolution, enforcement law, legal and notarial law
Qa General
Qaa General interdisciplinary
Qab General information on civil procedural law
Qac General information on mediation and other alternative dispute resolution
Qad General information on enforcement law
Qae General information on attorney and notary law
Qc European Union
Qca-Qci Structure analogous to «Germany» (Qd)
Qd Germany
Qda (Civil) procedural law: General
Qdb (Civil) procedural law: legal texts, materials
Qdc (Civil) procedural law, court organization: general descriptions
Qdd (Civil) procedural law, court organization: individual descriptions
Qde Mediation, arbitration and other alternative dispute resolution
Qdf Enforcement law: legal texts, materials
Qdg Enforcement law: overall representations
Qdh Enforcement law: individual representations
Qdi Attorney law, notarial law
Qe Austria
Qea-Qei Structure analogous to «Germany» (Qd)
Qf France
Qfa-Qfi Structure analogous to «Germany» (Qd)
Qg Italy
Qga-Qgi Structure analogous to «Germany» (Qd)
Ql Other European States
Qla-Qli Structure analogous to «Germany» (Qd)
Qm Great Britain
Qma-Qmi Structure analogous to «Germany» (Qd)
Qna-Qni Structure analogous to «Germany» (Qd)
Qt Other states
Qta-Qti Structure analogous to «Germany» (Qd)
Qv Comparative law and other transnational literature
Qva-Qvi Structure analogous to «Germany» (Qd)
Qy Series of publications
Qyy Foreign (Civil) procedural law and enforcement law: series of publications
Qz Journals
Qzz Foreign (Civil) procedural law and enforcement law: journals


R Private international law, civil procedure law and enforcement law
Ra General
Raa General interdisciplinary
Rab General information on international civil procedure law
Rac General information on private international law
Rad General information on international enforcement law
Rb Switzerland
Rba General
Rbb Legal sources, materials
Rbc International private law: overviews
Rbd International private law: individual representations
Rbe International law of persons
Rbf International family law
Rbg International inheritance law
Rbh International property law
Rbi International Code of Obligations
Rbk International trade and business law
Rbl International civil procedure law
Rbm Mediation and alternative dispute resolution
Rbn International enforcement law
Rc European Union
Rca-Rcn Structure analogous to "Switzerland" (Rb), but "R*i" "International Law of Obligations"
Rd Germany
Rda–Rdn Structure analogous to "Switzerland" (Rb), but "R*i" "International Law of Obligations"
Re Austria
Rea–Ren Structure analogous to "Switzerland" (Rb), but "R*i" "International Law of Obligations"
Rf France
Rfa–Rfn Structure analogous to "Switzerland" (Rb), but "R*i" "International Law of Obligations"
Rg Italy
Rga–Rgn Structure analogous to "Switzerland" (Rb), but "R*i" "International Law of Obligations"
Rl Other European States
Rla–Rln Structure analogous to "Switzerland" (Rb), but "R*i" "International Law of Obligations"
Rm Great Britain
Rma-Rmn Structure analogous to "Switzerland" (Rb), but "R*i" "International Law of Obligations"
Rna–Rnn Structure analogous to "Switzerland" (Rb), but "R*i" "International Law of Obligations"
Rt Other states
Rta-Rtn Structure analogous to "Switzerland" (Rb), but "R*i" "International Law of Obligations"
Rv Comparative law and other transnational literature
Rva–Rvn Structure analogous to "Switzerland" (Rb), but "R*i" "International Law of Obligations"
Rw International law, law of international organizations, multinational conventions
Rwa-Rwn Structure analogous to "Switzerland" (Rb), but "R*i" "International Law of Obligations"
Ry Series of publications
Ryy International private law and international civil procedural law: series of publications
Rz Journals
Rzz International private law and international civil procedural law: journals

5th floor (call numbers S – T)

S General and foreign constitutional and administrative law
  Fine Subdivision per Country (German only)
Sa Bibliographies, encyclopedias, dictionaries
Sb General
Sc Comparative law
Sd Politics, political science
Se Germany (from 1949, except GDR)
Sf Germany (until 1948)
Sg Austria
Sh France
Si Italy
Sk Spain and Portugal
Sl Benelux countries
Sm Scandinavia
Sn Principality of Liechtenstein
So USSR and successor states
Sp Germany (GDR)
Sq Other eastern states
Sr Great Britain
Ss Greece and Türkiye
Su Other states of North and South America
Sv Africa
Sw Near, middle and far east
Sx Australia and Oceania
Sy Collections (according to the old system)
Sy Foreign constitutional and administrative law: series of publications
Syy 1–1000 General
Syy 1001–2000 Tax law
Syy 2001– Environmental law
Sz Foreign constitutional and administrative law: journals
Szz 1–1000 General
Szz 1001–2000 Tax law
Szz 2001– Environmental law


T Swiss constitutional and administrative law
Ta General
Taa General
Tab Politics, political science
Tac Legal texts, collections of decisions
Tb State law
Tba Constitutional law (and administrative law): overall presentations
Tbb Constitutional law (and administrative law): individual representations
Tbc Constitutional law: Materials and Revisions
Tbd Constitutional law: overall views
Tbe Constitutional law: individual representations
Tbf Fundamental rights and ECHR
Tbg Political system, state organization
Tbh International relations and international law
Tbi Switzerland and Europe
Tc Constitutional and general administrative law of the cantons
Tca Constitutional and general administrative law of the cantons: comprehensive descriptions
Tcb Constitutional, state and administrative law: individual cantons (with canton abbreviation)
Td Administrative law
Tda Administrative law: overall representations
Tdb Administrative law: individual representations
Tdc Administrative procedures and public procedural law
Tdd Public compensation law
Tde Municipal law
Tdf Police and military law
Tdg Citizenship law and immigration law
Tdh Planning and environmental law: comprehensive representations
Tdi Spatial planning and building law
Tdk Environmental law
Tdl Public business Law
Tdm Education, health
Te Tax law
Tea Taxes and expenses
Teb Tax law: Confederation
Tec  Tax law: cantons (+ canton abbreviation)
Ted Double taxation: international and intercantonal tax law
Ty Swiss constitutional and administrative law: series of publications
Tyy 1-1000 General
Tyy 1001-2000 Tax law
Tyy 2001– Construction and environmental law
Tz Swiss constitutional and administrative law: journals
Tzz 1-1000 General
Tzz 1001-2000 Tax law
Tzz 2001– Construction and environmental law

6th floor (call numbers U – Z)


Labor and social law (including social security law and youth welfare [formerly Y])

Ua General
Uaa General, interdisciplinary, theoretical interdisciplinary
Uab General, interdisciplinary, theoretical on labor law
Uac General, interdisciplinary, theoretical on social security law
Uad General, interdisciplinary, theoretical on social law
Ub Switzerland
Uba Labor and social law: General and comprehensive representations
Ubb Labor law: overview
Ubc Labor law: individual representations
Ubd Social security law: General and comprehensive representations
Ube Social security law: Old Age and Survivors Insurance Act (AHV)
Ubf Social security law: Invalidity Insurance Act (IV)
Ubg Social security law: Health Insurance Act (KVG)
Ubh Social security law: Unemployment Insurance Act (AVIG)
Ubi Social security law: other insurances
Ubk Social law: overall presentations
Ubl Social law: individual representations
Uc European Union
Uca Labor and social law: general and comprehensive representations
Ucb Labor law: overview
Ucc Labor law: individual representations
Ucd Social security law: overall presentations
Uce Social security law: individual representations
Ucf Social law: overall presentations
Ucg Social law: individual representations
Ud Germany
Uda–Udg Structure analogous to «European Union» (Uc)
Ue Austria
Uea–Ueg Structure analogous to «European Union» (Uc)
Uf France
Ufa–Ufg Structure analogous to «European Union» (Uc)
Ug Italy
Uga–Ugg Structure analogous to «European Union» (Uc)
Ul Other European States
Ula–Ulg Structure analogous to «European Union» (Uc)
Um Great Britain
Uma–Umg Structure analogous to «European Union» (Uc)
Una–Ung Structure analogous to «European Union» (Uc)
Ut Other states
Uta–Utg Structure analogous to «European Union» (Uc)
Uv Comparative law and other transnational literature
Uva–Uvg Structure analogous to «European Union» (Uc)
Uw International law, law of international organizations, multinational conventions
Uwa–Uwg Structure analogous to «European Union» (Uc)

Labor and social law: series of publications


Labor and social law: journals


V International law / European law
V 1– International law
V 5000– European Community (EC), EFTA, Council of Europe
V 8000– Official publications of the Council of Europe
Va General
Vaa General
Vab Mixed interdisciplinary
Vae International law: overview
Vb Sources of international law
Vba International law, collection of sources
Vc Subjects of international law
Vcg UN source collections
Vd European integration and european law
Vda European Integration
Vdb European law: overview
Vde Council of Europe source collections
Ve Human rights
Veb 1- ECHR source collections
Veb 101– UN Human Rights Charter source collections
Veb 201– Inter-American Charter on Human Rights Source Collections
International law (originally holdings of the former IVR library)
Classification of Public International Law Vö (PDF, 89 KB)
Vy Series of publications
Vyy 1-1000 International law
Vyy 1001– European law
Vz Journals
Vzz 1-1000 International law
Vzz 1001– European law


W Criminal law and criminal procedure law / criminology
Wa Fundamentals of criminal law and criminal procedure law
Waa Criminal law philosophy
Wab Criminal policy
Wac Comparative law
Wad International criminal law, extradition law, legal assistance
Wae Bibliographies, encyclopedias, dictionaries
Wb Swiss criminal law
Wba Materials
Wbb Legal texts
Wbc Comments, textbooks
Wbd Monographs
Wbe Criminal law of the cantons (after 1942)
Wc German criminal law
Wca Materials (since 1900)
Wcb Legal texts
Wcc Comments, textbooks
Wcd Monographs
Wce GDR: German Democratic Republic
Wd Foreign criminal law
Wda Austria
Wdb France
Wdc Italy
Wdd Principality of Liechtenstein
Wde Spain and Portugal
Wdf Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg
Wdg Scandinavia
Wdh USSR and successor states
Wdi Eastern Europe (Czech Republic, Hungary, Yugoslavia and successor states, Poland, Romania)
Wdk Greece and Türkiye
Wdl Great Britain
Wdn Other countries of North and South America (Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Chile)
Wdo Africa
Wdp Near, Middle, Far East
Wdq Australia and Oceania
We Swiss criminal procedure law
Wea Comments, textbooks
Web Monographs
Wec Federal and cantonal criminal procedural law
1- Federation
500– Zurich
1000– Bern
1500– Lucerne
2000– Uri
2500– Schwyz
3000– Obwalden, Nidwalden
3500– Glarus
4000– Zug
4500– Freiburg
5000– Solothurn
5500– Basel-City/Basel-Country
6000– Schaffhouse
6500– Appenzell Inner and Outer Rhodes
7000– St. Gallen
7500– Grisons
8000– Aargau
8500– Thurgau
9000– Ticino
9500– Vaud
10000– Valais
10500– Neuchâtel
11000– Geneva
11500– Canton of Jura
Wf German criminal procedural law
Wfa Legal texts
Wfb Comments, textbooks
Wfc Monographs
Wfd GDR: German Democratic Republic
Wg Foreign Criminal Procedure Law
Wga Austria
Wgb France
Wgc Italy
Wgd Principality of Liechtenstein
Wge Spain and Portugal
Wgf Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg
Wgg Scandinavia
Wgh USSR and successor states
Wgi Eastern europe (Czech Republic, Hungary, Yugoslavia and successor states, Poland, Romania)
Wgk Greece and Türkiye
Wgl Great Britain
Wgn Other states of north and south America
Wgo Africa
Wgp Near, middle, far east
Wgq Australia and Oceania
Wgr European Union
Wh Penitentiary
Wha General
Whb Switzerland
Whc Germany (except GDR, German Democratic Republic)
Whd Germany (GDR, German Democratic Republic)
Whe Austria
Whf France
Whg Italy
Whh Principality of Liechtenstein
Whi Spain and Portugal
Whk Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg
Whl Scandinavia
Whm USSR and successor states
Whn Eastern Europe
Who Greece and Türkiye
Whp Great Britain
Whr Other states of north and south America
Whs Africa
Wht Near, middle and far east
Whu Australia and Oceania
Wi Criminology
Wia General
Wib Criminal sociology
Wic Criminal psychology
Wid Forensic biology
Wie History of criminal law (cf. also Ddg–Dmg and Fg)
Wk Forensic medicine
Wl Forensic Psychology / Psychiatry
Wm Criminalistics (New: Wxt)
Wn Famous criminal cases
Wo Juvenile criminal law, procedures and execution
Woa Criminal Policy and Comparative Law
Wob Juvenile criminal law
Woc Juvenile criminal proceedings
Wod Juvenile detention
Wx Criminology
Wxb Criminology: statistics
Wxt Criminalistics; forensic medicine; forensics
Wy Series of publications
Wyy 1–1000 Criminal law and StPO
Wyy 1001– Criminology
Wz Journals
Wzz 1–1000 Criminal law and StPO
Wzz 1001– Criminology


X Military law
Xa General
Xc Abroad
Xz Journals


Z Laws, decisions, officials
Zaa Swiss Confederation: collections of laws
Zab Swiss Confederation: official
Zac Swiss Confederation: collections of decisions
Zba Cantons: collections of laws
Zbb Cantons: official matters and collections of decisions
Zca European Union (EU): collections of laws
Zcb European Union (EU): official
Zcc European Union (EU): collections of decisions
Zda Germany: collections of laws
Zdb Germany: official
Zdc Germany: collections of decisions
Zea Austria: collections of laws
Zeb Austria: official
Zec Austria: collections of decisions
Zfa France: collections of laws
Zfb France: official
Zfc France: collections of decisions
Zga Italy: collections of laws
Zgb Italy: official
Zgc Italy: collections of decisions
Zla Other european countries: collections of laws
Zlb Other european countries: official
Zlc Other european countries: collections of decisions
Zma Great Britain: collections of laws
Zmb Great Britain: official
Zmc Great Britain: collections of decisions
Zna United States: collections of laws
Znb USA: official
Znc USA: collections of decisions
Zoa Other states: collections of laws
Zob Other states: official
Zoc Other states: collections of decisions