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University Library Zurich

Taylor&Francis: article allowance for 2022 is reached

UZH members will only be able to publish OA articles free of charge in the journals of the publisher Taylor&Francis again from 2023. Publication via the green OA route will continue to be possible without fees. 

Scientists at the University of Zurich are able to publish open access articles free of charge published in full and hybrid open access journals within the Read&Publish agreement by Taylor&Francis. This agreement covers the article processing charges (APCs) for a fixed number of articles published in Taylor&Francis journals per year. This number has now been reached for 2022. Until the end of 2022 the article fee will no longer be funded.

How to publish until the end of the year

Members of the University of Zurich may continue to publish OA articles, but at their own expense.

Alternatively, it is possible to publish the articles in Talyor&Francis journals as «closed» access and then publish the article open access with the green open access route  (self-archiving). The accepted manuscript can be published in the repository ZORA after an embargo period.

If the article is published in a gold open access journal in the field of the humanities or social sciences there is the possibility of a partial cost coverage within the Publishing Fund for Social Sciences and Humanities of the University Library or within the Open Access Publication Fund (Bretscher-Fund) of the Zentralbibliothek Zurich, which supports publications on social and intellectual history of the 20th century. Further details on the funding conditions can be found on the respective websites.

New allocation from 2023 

The Open Access agreement with Taylor&Francis has not ended. As of 1.1.2023 the new allocation of Open Access articles will be open to use.

If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact our Open Science Services team at