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University Library Zurich

UB Slavonic Studies, General and Comparative Literature & Comparative Language Science

Slavistik, AVL und vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft

What Study Spaces are Available?

  • There are  10 study spaces, whereof 2 with PC/screen (see devices).
  • The study spaces can be used at any time without prior reservation.
  • Group study rooms are available.

What Infrastructure Can I Use Here?

Item Collection and Return

  • Self-checkout station


  • 2 PC workstations


  • Lockers are managed by the secretariat.

Information about the Location and Collection

The collections of Slavonic Studies and General and Comparative Literature are located at Plattenstrasse 43 (PLG-A-003/004). The collections of Comparative Language Science are mostly located across the street at Plattenstrasse 54. Books from the storage facility at Seilergraben can be ordered to Plattenstrasse 43 (internal courier, 1x weekly).

Slavonic Studies

With over 100'000 volumes, the University Library has the largest scientific collection in Switzerland in the field of Slavonic Studies. In addition to linguistic and literary literature, it also includes works of fiction in the original Slavic languages (Russian, Ukrainian, Belorussian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Sorbian, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Slovenian, Bulgarian, Macedonian) - an attraction also for external users of Slavic mother tongue.

Here you find an overview of the call numbers: Signaturenschlüssel (PDF, 565 KB) (in German)

General and Comparative Literature

The collection of General and Comparative Literature consists of primary and secondary literature in various languages (mainly German-, French- and English-language texts) as well as standard works from the auxiliary disciplines of language theory, philosophy, psychology, art history, sociology.

The donation of Carola Giedion-Welcker is part of the collection (see Collections and Special Holdings of the UB).

A large selection of journals in literary studies can be found at the location. The current issues of the current journals are available in reading room 001 (Plattenstrasse 43, UG).

Comparative Language Science

Two departments are supervised: General Linguistics and Indo-European Studies. The majority of the collection is located on the ground floor of Plattenstrasse 54. Part of the collection is located at our storage facility at Seilergraben, where mainly older literature and back issues of journals are stored.

Collections can be ordered via swisscovery to the Slavonic Studies, General and Comparative Literature & Comparative Language Science location, to another information desk at the UB or to the ZB.

Weiterführende Informationen

Subject Information

Subject related support with information about resources, courses, tutorials and experts can be found here: