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Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies

Public online lecture series: Re-Locating Gender and Diversity Studies: Transnational Perspectives (October 2023-March 2024)

The lecture series brings together critical perspectives on transcultural gender and diversity studies from different perspectives. It engages with new forms of knowledge production beyond traditional academic tracks and established canons while seeking to capture the asymmetrical transnational connectivities of gender and diversity studies as well as related policies. All lectures in this series are open to the public. We welcome participants from a variety of backgrounds, academic, activist, or otherwise.
This lecture series is part of the project “Creating Spaces: Enhancing Multiversal Knowledge Production in Gender and Diversity Studies” (CreSp), an experimental lab for collaborative exchange.

News list

  • What Feminist Stories Should We Tell in this Moment of Decolonial Struggle in Palestine and Beyond?

    Dr. Zeina Zaatari (Chicago)

  • Algorithmic technologies meet diversity: Re-organising work more equally?

    Prof. Dr. Patrizia Zanoni (Hasselt)

  • Current situation and challenges of the Mudawwanat al-usra (family law) in Morocco

    Dr. Souad Slaoui (Fez)

  • Feminist Readings of Classical Islamic Texts

    Prof. Dr. Omaima Abou-Bakr (Cairo)

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