Area of Responsibility Gender Studies
Helena Rust, M.A.
- Academic Coordinator Gender Studies
- Phone
- +41 44 634 27 28
Katrin Meyer, Prof. Dr.
- Adjunct professor
- Senior Teaching and Research Assistant; Academic Coordinator of the Gender Studies Doctoral Program
- Phone
- +41 44 634 48 35
Sarah Farag, Dr.
- Postdoc
- Coordinator of the Consortium for Education and Research “PRO GED”
- Phone
- +41 44 634 48 35
Sandra Winheller, Dr.
- Staff ULF-Project "Gender & Diversity"
Further staff at the Chair of Gender Studies and Islamic Studies
Dominik Folger, M.A.
- Teaching and Research Assistant Islamic Studies
- Phone
- +41 44 634 07 25
Sina Ritt, M.A.
- Teaching and Research Assistant Islamic Studies
- Phone
- 044 634 07 26