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Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies



Since HS 2020, it is possible to complete a doctorate with 12 ECTS in Gender Studies at the University of Zurich.

The dissertations are supervised by Prof. Dr. Bettina Dennerlein and must correspond to the Islamic Studies topic profile of the Chair (Social and cultural history of the modern and contemporary Arab World / Gender and Sexuality Studies; Islamic family law; women’s rights and human rights movements; Gender, law and religion.)

You will find detailed information about the doctorate at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Zurich here.

Inter-University Network Switzerland

The doctoral studies in Gender Studies at UZH are part of the Swiss inter-university network of the doctoral programs in Gender Studies at the Universities of Zurich, Basel and Bern.

The inter-university network is open to doctoral students from all disciplines who are working on a doctoral project with a thematic and/or systematic focus on gender.

The network promotes networking among doctoral students with a gender focus at the universities of Zurich, Basel and Bern and organizes joint events.

Weiterführende Informationen

Graduate School

All doctoral students at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences are automatically members of the Graduate School.


Further information concerning administrative matters around application and admission you will be provided by: Nora Gilgen

Inter-University Network Switzerland

Requests for association with the Inter-University Network of Doctoral Programs in Gender Studies should be addressed to: Katrin Meyer
