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Helena Hof

Helena Hof, Dr.

  • Oberassistenz Lehrstuhl sozialwissenschaftliche Japanologie
  • Programmentwicklung und Studiengangsberatung MAMES
+41 44 634 40 91
ZUB 4-420

Sprechstunden nach Vereinbarung.


  • Sozialwissenschaftliche Japanforschung
  • Migration und Mobilität
  • Gender, Ethnizität, Intersektionalität
  • Arbeitsmarkt und Beschäftigungsverhältnisse in Zeiten des demografischen Wandels
  • Selbstständigkeit, Startups und Innovation
  • Komparative Städteforschung, Tokio und Singapur als asiatische Metropolen
  • Familie und Lebenslauf
  • Sozio-kulturelle Vielfalt und sozialer Zusammenhalt


Since 2025

Beyond the Stereotypes in Skilled Migration: Gender Dynamics and Role of Agency in East Asia, collaboration on the Anthropology of Asia with M. Wadhwa, R. Achenbach, D. Kim, and A. Muranaka.

Since 2024

Comparative Perspectives on the Transformation of East Asian Labor Markets through International Skilled Migration, with Aimi Muranaka, Institute of East Asian Studies, University of Duisburg-Essen and Kikuko Nagayoshi, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo.

Since 2024

Recalibrating ‘Skill’ in Changing Immigration Regimes: Skilled Migrants and the Nature of Work in Asia (with A. Muranaka, R. Achenbach, Y. Wang, and B.S.A. Yeoh), in collaboration with the Asian Migration Cluster, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore.


Qualification and Skill in the Migration Process of Foreign Workers in Asia (QaMaFA), collaborative project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (with Ruth Achenbach, Aimi Muranaka, Joohyun Justine Park, and Megha Wadhwa); PI of sub-project ‘Foreign entrepreneurs in Tokyo's and Singapore's knowledge-intensive start-up sector’.  


Tokyo's Attractiveness for Global Talent: A Comparative Study of Tokyo, Singapore, and Sao Paulo, Principal Investigator, Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science Early-Career Scientists Award.


New and Old Diversity Exchange (NODE) UK-Japan network

Collaborating Researcher, Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, UZH & Institute of Asian Migrations, Waseda University.

Beruflicher Werdegang

2/2020 ~

Senior Research and Teaching Fellow in Social Science of Japan, Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zurich

  • Teaching at BA & MA level, Social Science of Japan
  • Teaching in the Master Program Modern Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
  • Lecturer PhD research group, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
  • Research and Academic Management, Social Science of Japan

3/2021 ~ 02/2025

Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Guest Researcher affiliation since 3/2025

4/2019 – 9/2019

Lecturer, Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University, JP

10/2018 –1/2020

Research Associate, Waseda Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University, Japan; Guest Researcher affiliation since 2/2020

2015 – 2018

Research Assistant, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University, Japan

2017 – 2018

Teaching Assistant, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University, Japan

2013 – 2014

Teaching Assistant in the International Study Program, Waseda University, Japan

4/2012 – 9/2012

Full-time intern at the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Japan, Tokyo



Ph.D., International Studies (MEXT stipend), Waseda University, Japan


Visiting PhD scholar at the Japanese Studies Department, National University of Singapore


M.A., International Relations (MEXT stipend), Waseda University, Japan


Visiting Graduate student at the School of Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


B.A., Asian Studies, University of Bonn, Germany

9/2010 – 2/2011

Exchange Student at Keio University, Japan

Institutionelle Verantwortlichkeiten

Member of the Board of the Master of Arts in Modern Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (MAMES), joint program with the Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies

Academic Advisor and Program Development for the Master of Arts in Modern Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, joint program with the Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies

Founder of UZH research network on Asian migrations (with David Chiavacci)

Member of the Executive Board, VAUZ (Association of Academic Mid-Level Faculty Staff of the University of Zurich); resort lead of the VAUZ resort for Junior Researcher Development (2023 – 2025)

Member of the Commission for Research and Promotion of Junior Researchers (UZH-wide)

Member of the Commission for Research and Promotion of Junior Researchers at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Member of the Senate of the University of Zurich (since 2022)

Stipendien, Auszeichnungen und Ehrungen

3/2021 – 2/2025

PI of project funding ‘Foreign entrepreneurs in Tokyo's and Singapore's knowledge-intensive start-up sector’ (EUR 153,602) 

sub-project of joint project “Qualification and Skill in the Migration Process of Foreign Workers in Asia”, Federal Ministry of Education & Research, GER


Project funding Toshiba International Foundation, with K. Nagayoshi and A. Muranaka (CHF 12,000)

2019 – 2024

PI of project funding ‘Tokyo's attractiveness for global talent: a comparative study of Tokyo, Singapore, and Sao Paulo’, (JPY 2,400,000), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


Conference funding Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (EUR 19,697) (with A. Muranaka, R. Achenbach, J.J. Park, and M. Wadhwa)


Project funding Toshiba International Foundation (EU 12,000.00) (with A. Muranaka, R. Achenbach, J.J. Park, and M. Wadhwa)


Workshop Funding Graduate Campus UZH (CHF 3,153), with N. Gilgen and F. Holm

2013 – 2018

Full stipend for Master and PhD, Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)

2013 – 2018

Future Leader’s Program for Regional Governance and Cooperation in Asia, Waseda University

2015 & 2017

Dissertation fieldwork funding, JPY 250,000 each, Haraguchi Memorial Asia Research Fund, Waseda University


Valedictorian MA Program, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University, JP


Highest Honors List 2014, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University, JP

2009 – 2012

Grantee of NRW-Stipendium, Scholarship of the Federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Organisation akademischer Veranstaltungen


International Workshop Recalibrating ‘Skill’ in Changing Immigration Regimes: Skilled Migrants and the Nature of Work in Asia, Workshop convenor (with A. Muranaka, R. Achenbach, Y. Wang, and B.S.A. Yeoh), Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore.


Closing Workshop Collaborative research project “Qualification and Skill in the Migration Process of Foreign Workers in Asia”, (QuaMaFa), Workshop Convenor. Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen, GER


International Workshop Comparative Perspectives on the Transformation of East Asian Labor Markets through International Skilled Migration, Workshop Convenor (with K. Nagayoshi and A. Muranaka), University of Tokyo, Japan


Workshop Staying practices of skilled migrants in industrialized countries: Comparative perspectives from (East) Asia and Switzerland. Workshop convenor, Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, Zurich, CH.


UZH-wide exchange on migration in Asia Workshop convenor (with D. Chiavacci), Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zurich, CH.


Annual Conference German Association for Social Science Research on Japan (VSJF) “Labor and (Im)mobility in Japan and East and Southeast Asia: Transnational, Regional and Rural-Urban Perspectives.” Japanese-German Center Berlin, Convenor (with R. Achenbach, A. Muranaka, J.J. Park, and M. Wadhwa)


Graduate Student Workshop Practical Issues of Fieldwork in Japan. Convenor (with C. Fusari and N. Gilgen), University of Zurich, CH.


Graduate Student Workshop Facing Methodological Challenges in Asian Studies. Online. Convenor (with N. Gilgen and F. Holm), University of Zurich, CH.


International Conference The Question of Skills in Cross-border Labor Mobility, Co-convenor (with B. Yeoh, M. Baas and G. Liu-Farrer), Waseda University, Tokyo, JP.



Hof, Helena. 2022. The EU Migrant Generation in Asia: Middle-Class Aspirations in Asian Global Cities. Bristol University Press, Global Migration and Social Change Series. Podcast of the book at New Books Network.

Journal articles and book chapters

Hof, Helena. 2025. "‘White Innovation’: Conceptualizing Changing Racial Hierarchies Through Migrant Entrepreneurship in Singapore and Japan."  In Migration, Transnational Flows, and the Contested Meanings of Race in Asia, IMISCOE Research Series, S. Lan & M. Debnár (Eds). Springer, pp. 121-140 (Open Access).

Hof, Helena, Aimi Muranaka, and Joohyun Justine Park. 2024. “Employment as an anchor: The prospects of emerging East Asian skilled migration regimes through the lens of migrants’ access to the labor market.” Asia and Pacific Migration Journal. DOI: 10.1177/01171968241292376.

Hof, Helena. 2024. “Pushing Social Norms: Foreign Entrepreneurs Fueling Japan’s Innovation?» Contemporary Japan. DOI 10.1080/18692729.2024.2423969.

Hof, Helena and Jaafar Alloul. 2023. Migratory class-making in global Asian cities: The European mobile middle negotiating ambivalent privilege in Tokyo, Singapore, and Dubai. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2023.2271669

Hof, Helena. 2022. ‘Die mixed embeddedness ausländischer Unternehmer*innen in Tōkyōs Startup-Ökosystem.’ [The mixed embeddedness of foreign entrepreneurs in Tōkyō’s startup ecosystem] In: Chiavacci, David; Wieczorek, Iris. Japan 2022. München: VSJF – Vereinigung für sozialwissenschaftliche Japanforschung, 233-259.

Hof, Helena, Simon Pemberton and Emilia Pietka-Nykaza. 2021. 'EU migrant retention and the temporalities of migrant staying: A new conceptual framework.' Comparative Migration Studies. 10.1186/s40878-021-00225-5 Watch Youtube trailer here.

Hof, Helena and Yen-Fen Tseng. 2020. 'When “global talents” struggle to become local workers: The new face of skilled migration to corporate Japan.' Asia and Pacific Migration Journal 29 (4): 511-531. DOI: 10.1177/0117196820984088.

Hof, Helena. 2020. 'Intersections of Race and Skills in European Migration to Asia: Between White Cultural Capital and ‘Passive Whiteness’. Ethnic and Racial Studies. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2020.1822535

Hof, Helena. 2020. Opting Out for Getting In: Existential Mobility in European Graduates’ Migration to Asia.' Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies. DOI: 10.1080/15562948.2020.1755761

Hof, Helena. 2020. ‘Locally Embedded Cosmopolitans? European Millennials’ Boundary Work in Singapore and Tokyo’ In Contemporary European Emigration, Brigitte Suter und Lisa Åkesson (eds). Routledge: pp. 39-57.

Hof. Helena. 2019. ‘The Eurostars Go Global: Young Europeans’ Migration to Asia for Distinction and Alternative Life Paths.’ Mobilities. DOI: 10.1080/17450101.2019.1643164.

Hof, Helena und Gracia Liu-Farrer. 2019. ‘Gender, Labour and Migration in Japan.’ In The Routledge Companion to Gender and Japanese Culture, Mark Pendleton, Jennifer Coates und Lucy Fraser (eds). Routledge: pp. 189-98.

Hof, Helena. 2018. ‘‘Worklife Pathways’ to Singapore and Japan: Gender and Racial dynamics in Europeans` Mobility to Asia’, Social Science Japan Journal, Special Issue Winter 2018, 21 (1): 45-65.

Liu-Farrer, Gracia und Helena Hof. 2018. ‘Ōtebyō: the Problems of Japanese Firms and the Problematic Elite Aspirations.’ Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies (Waseda), 34: 65-84.

Book reviews

Hof, Helena. 2022. Book review of “Transnational Musicians. Precariousness, Ethnicity and Gender in the Creative Industry” (Beata M. Kowalczyk, 2020, Routledge). Intersections, 47 (July 2022)

Hof, Helena. 2022. Book review of “Studying Japan: Handbook of Research Designs, Fieldwork and Methods” (eds. Nora Kottmann and Cornelia Reiher, 2020, Nomos). Social Science Japan Journal.

Book review of Expatriate Managers: The Paradoxes of Living and Working Abroad, Anna Spiegel, Ursula Mense-Petermann and Bastian Bredekötter (2019). Transitions: Journal of Transient Migration, 2020, 4(2): 275-277.

Book review of `Migration, Whiteness, and Cosmopolitanism: Europeans in Japan`, Milos Debnar. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, XI+235 pp., 89.99€ (ISBN 978-1-13756526-6). Social Science Japan Journal, 2017, 20(2): 235-38.


Hof, Helena. 2022. ‘How COVID-19 changed migration (research): Constrained research practices, constrained migrant subjects.’ Blog post of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, 3 June (




Guest Researcher Affiliations

3/2025 ~

Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Goettingen, Germany

3/2021 ~

Institute of Asian Migrations, Waseda University, Japan

03/2021 – 02/2025

Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, SG

04/2019 – 01/2020

Center for Metropolitan Studies, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Redaktionsarbeit und wissenschaftliche Gutachtertätigkeiten

Release 12/2024

Documentary of QuaMaFa film “Home in the Making”, trailer Director: Megha Wadhwa; Research and Camera: Ruth Achenbach, Helena Hof, Aimi Muranaka, Joohyun Justine Park, Megha Wadhwa


Career Event for MAMES Master students, UZH, Organizer in collaboration with UZH Career Services and the student association


“Migration, Retention & Incorporation of the Highly Skilled”, MPI-MMG In Dialogue hybrid, public event at the Max Planck Institute; organizer and moderator, accessible via Youtube

Spring 2024

Public Lecture Series “Diversifying Immigrant Societies in (East) Asia”, Co-organized by QuaMaFA & the Institute of East Asian Studies (IN-EAST), University of Duisburg-Essen


“Talented employees go global. Migration of young Europeans to Asia in search of distinction and alternative life paths.” Invited talk at Career Forum, International Online Conference for Career Professionals. #CAREERFORUM2023.

Fall 2022

Public Lecture Series “Female Skilled Labor Migration Across the Globe”, co-organized by QuaMaFA and Goethe University Frankfurt


Podcast of “The EU Migrant Generation in Asia”. New Books Network, accessible here.

10/2020 ~

Editorial Services: Book Reviews Editor of the peer-reviewed journal Transitions: Journal of Transient Migration  

2019 ~

Scientific reviewing activities for academic journals, including Applied Mobilities, Comparative Migration Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Global Networks, Japan Jahrbuch, Ethnic and Migration Studies, Mobilities, Sociology of Race, Urban Studies, Wellbeing, Space & Society, etc.


日本で働くヨーロッパ移民 (European Migrants Working in Japan, in Japanese), Public talk for engaging the youth, Student Panel Discussion: Refugees, Labor Migrants, Stateless People], University of the Sacred Heart, Institute for Sustainable, Futures, Tokyo, JP.

Mitgliedschaften in akademischen Vereinigungen

International Migration Research Network (IMISCOE)

German Association for Social Science Research on Japan (VSJF)

Swiss Association for Gender Studies (SAGS)

International Sociological Association (ISA):

  • RC30 - Sociology of Work
  • RC31 - Sociology of Migration
  • RC32 - Women, Gender, and Society