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2025–2029 |
SNSF research project: The Japan Transnational Education and Career Panel Study (JTEPS): International Student Mobility and its Consequences. Principal Investigator (with D. Chiavacci, UZurich; Partner: S. Fujihara, UTokyo). Funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Project No. 100017-231678 |
2023–2026 |
DFG/FWF research project: Lebensverläufe von drei Familiengenerationen (LifE3G). Project member (PI: W. Lauterbach, UPotsdam, A. Berger, UInnsbruck). Funded by DFG & FWF, DFG Project No. LA 897|3-3 |
2022–2024 |
FEHD research project: Shadow Education and Social Inequality in Hong Kong and Germany (SESI): A Comparative Study on Underprivileged Secondary School Students’ Experiences in Supplementary Tutoring. Principal Investigator (with K.W.-H. Yung, EdUHK). FEHD Targeted Research Exchange Scheme, EdUHK. |
2022–2025 |
JSPS research project: Online Panel Survey on Life and Work (SSJDA Panel Study). Collaborator (PI: S. Fujihara, UTokyo). Funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Kakenhi 21K18131 |
2021–2025 |
EU COST research network: “European Network on International Student Mobility (ENIS): Connecting Research and Practice”. Project member (PI: C. Van Mol, UTilburg; N. Netz, DZHW Hannover; T. Franca, ULisbon; M. Ginnerskov-Dahlberg, UUppsala), funded by COST Action, OC-2020-1-24634 |
2021–2023 |
UP teaching projects: (1) Reflection in Inclusion Pedagogy (RefInk); (2) Top Exam; (3) Professionalization of (prospective) teachers in the field of inclusion (ProfInk2); (4) INTUS hoch drei (INTUS). Principal Investigator. Funded by the University of Potsdam and Bundesland Brandenburg. |
2018–2019 |
DFG research project: Education and Inequality: A Comparative Study between East Asia and Europe (CompEduIn). Principal Investigator. Funded by German Research Foundation (DFG), GSC 1037, Project No. 194523036 |
2017–2020 |
Postdoc-project: Persisting Educational and Social Inequalities in Schooled Societies (PESISS). Principal Investigator. Funded by University of Potsdam, DAAD, JDZB, GEAS (DFG); DFG application in the Emmy-Noether program rejected. |
2013–2017 |
DFG/SNSF research project: Lebensverläufe von der späten Kindheit ins fortgeschritt-ene Erwachsenenalter (LifE45). Project member (PI: H. Fend, UZH, W. Lauterbach, UPotsdam; A. Berger, UInnsbruck; W. Georg UKonstanz; U. Grob, UZH; K. Maag Merki, UZH). Funded by DFG, 2011-2012, LA 897/3-1; 2013-2015, LA 897/3-2; & SNSF, 2011-2015, 100017E-134459, 100017E-148834 |
2012–2015 |
JSPS research project: Comparative Sociological Study on the Formation of Social Inequality (also: Hyogo High School Students Survey, HHSS); Project Member (PI: F. Ojima, UDoshisha; S. Aramaki, UKyushu). Funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Kakenhi 22330161 |
2012–2016 |
PhD-project: Shadow Education in Japan – the Juku Student and Teacher Survey (JSTS). Principal Investigator. Funded through scholarships from Potsdam Graduate School, Doshisha University, DAAD, DIJ Tokyo. |
since 02.2025 |
Project head, SNSF Project JTEPS, University of Zurich (CH) Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies (AOI), “Social Science Japan Research” (Prof. Dr. David CHIAVACCI) |
06./09.2024 |
Visiting scholar, The Education University of Hong Kong (HK) C&I Department, “Comparative Education” (Prof. Kevin W.H. YUNG) |
11.2023 – 01.2025 |
Research fellow (Postdoc, zur Habilitation), Universität Duisburg-Essen (DE) Institute of Sociology (IfS) & Institute of East Asian Studies (IN-EAST) “Comparative Sociology & Japanese Society” Working title Habilitation Project: “Transnational Education in Schooled Societies: Increasing (In)Equalities?” (Prof. Karen Shire, Ph.D.) |
09./10.2023 |
Visiting Research Fellow, The University of Tokyo (JP) Institute of Social Science (ISS), “Comparative Educational Sociology“ (Prof. Dr. Sho FUJIHARA) |
03.2023 – 10.2023 |
Research fellow (Postdoc, zur Habilitation), Universität Innsbruck (AT) Research Center „Education - Generation - Life Course (Prof. Dr. Alfred Berger) |
10.2022 |
Visiting Scholar, Pennsylvania State University (US) College of Education, “Comparative Education Research” (Prof. Dr. Soo-yong BYUN/Prof. Dr. David P. BAKER) |
03.2022 – 01.2023 |
Adjunct lecturer, Universität Zürich (CH) Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies (AOI), “Social Science Japan Research” (Prof. Dr. David CHIAVACCI) |
10.2019 – 02.2023 |
Vertretungsprofessor, Universität Potsdam (DE) “Department of Education”, Chair for Inclusion and Organizational Development |
09.2018 |
Visiting Scholar, The University of Tokyo (JP) Institute of Social Science (ISS), “Comparative Educational Sociology” (Prof. Dr. Hiroshi ISHIDA) |
02.2018 – 09.2019 |
Research fellow (Postdoc), Freie Universität Berlin (DE) Graduate School of East Asian Studies (GEAS), “Social Science Japan Research” (Prof. Dr. Verena BLECHINGER-TALCOTT) |
04.2013 – 01.2018 |
Research fellow (Praedoc), Universität Potsdam (DE) Department of Education & Institute of Sociology "Social science education research" (LAUTERBACH, 04.2013-01.2018) "Quantitative Methods" (BRUNNER, 10.2015-09.2017) "Empirical teaching and intervention research" (VOCK, 10.2017-01.2018) |
03.2013 – 09.2013 |
Scholarship fellow, German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ), Tokyo (JP) Social Science Division, “Educational Sociology” (DDr. Barbara HOLTHUS/Prof. Dr. Florian COULMAS) |
10.2012 – 03.2013 |
Visiting Graduate Student, Dōshisha University, Kyoto (JP) Institute of Sociology, “Educational Sociology” (Prof. Dr. Fumiaki OJIMA) |
10.2011–09.2012 |
Bachelor program in Japanese Studies, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (DE) [guest student, no degree] |
09.2010 – 01.2018 |
Ph.D. in Educational Sociology, Universität Potsdam (DE) [summa cum laude & Award for best Dissertation of the year] Title: “Shadow Education in Japan: An Instrument to Neutralize Disadvantaged Family Background?” Supervisors: LAUTERBACH (University of Potsdam), DIERKES (University of British Columbia, Vancouver), OJIMA (Doshisha University, Kyoto) |
08.2010 – 09.2012 |
Research assistant (pre-doc) & curriculum planner, Universität Potsdam (DE) Department of Education, “Empirical Educational Research” (Prof. Dr. Agi SCHRÜNDER / Prof. Dr. Elisabeth FLITNER) |
12.2008 |
Student Assistant, European Advisory Group GmbH (EAG), Berlin (DE) Historisches Institut, “International Relations” (Prof. Dr. Margarita MATHIOPOULOS) |
10.2004–05.2010 |
Magister Artium in History & Education Science, Universität Potsdam (DE) |
11.2007 – 03.2010 |
Student Assistant, Universität Potsdam (DE) Department of Education & Institute of Sociology, “Social science education research” (Prof. Dr. Wolfgang LAUTERBACH) |
6 Gniewosz, Gabriele, Steve R. Entrich & Alfred Berger [eds.] (2024): Youth in Times of Crisis: Societal and Individual Challenges in Becoming an Adult Today. SpringerVS (Special issue of Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung).
5 Yung, Kevin Wai Ho, Steve R. Entrich & Alfredo Bautista (2023): Shadow Education: New Areas of Inquiry in Teaching, Learning, and Development. London: Taylor & Francis (Special issue of Journal for the Study of Education and Development). (in English, Spanish and in part Chinese)
4 Entrich, Steve R. & Sanghoon Bae [eds.] (2021): Extended Education at College and its Outcomes. Stuttgart: Verlag Barbara Budrich (Special issue of IJREE – International Journal of Research on Extended Education).
3 Entrich, Steve R. [guest section editor] (2019): Sondersektion Bildung. In: Japan 2019: Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. München: Iudicum.
2 Entrich, Steve R. (2018): Shadow Education and Social Inequalities in Japan: Evolving Patterns and Conceptual Implications. Heidelberg/Cham: Springer.
1 Entrich, Steve R. (2011): Die Grundlegung des modernen japanischen Bildungssystems - Joseph C. Trainor und die amerikanischen Bildungsreformen in Japan nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Magister Thesis. Hamburg: Diplomica Verlag. ISBN: 9783842814196
25 Gniewosz, Gabriele, Steve R. Entrich & Alfred Berger (forthcoming): Youth in Times of Crisis: Societal and Individual Challenges in Becoming an Adult Today. Introduction to the Special Issue. Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung.
24 Floiger, Madeleine, Steve R. Entrich & Wolfgang Lauterbach (2024): Against all odds - Factors explaining unexpected educational advancement of students from educationally disadvantaged families. Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung.
23 Entrich, Steve R. (2024): How do school experiences in adolescence affect educational investment in adulthood? The case of parental investment in private tutoring in Germany. Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung.
22 Entrich, Steve R. & Wolfgang Lauterbach (2024): German-Style Shadow Education: The Role of Private Tutoring for School Allocation in a Highly Stratified Education System. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft. (in print)
21 Entrich, Steve R., Nicolai Netz & Ryoji Matsuoka (2024): The role of institutional contexts for inequalities in study abroad intent and participation. Higher Education 88, 1275–1303.
20 Yung, Kevin Wai Ho, Steve R. Entrich & Alfredo Bautista (2023): Shadow Education: New Areas of Inquiry in Teaching, Learning, and Development. Journal for the Study of Education and Development 46(4), 707-727.
19 Rogge, Franziska, Verena Nowak, Simon Wagner, Saskia Liebner, Steve R. Entrich, Karsten Krauskopf & Michel Knigge (2023): Die Entwicklung von technikbezogenen Überzeugungen im Rahmen inklusionspädagogischer Professionalisierung im Lehramtsstudium Sekundarstufe während der Corona-Semester. Qualifizierung für Inklusion 5(2).
18 Entrich, Steve R. (2022): Abeducation - Das Vermächtnis der Bildungspolitik von Abe Shinzô. Japan Jahrbuch 45: 111-121.
17 Entrich, Steve R. & Sho Fujihara (2022): New Horizontal Inequalities in Japanese Education? Examining Socioeconomic Selectivity in Pre-College Study Abroad Intent and Participation. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 81, 100727.
16 Entrich, Steve R. (2021): Worldwide Shadow Education and Social Inequality: Explaining Differences in the Socioeconomic Gap in Access to Shadow Education across 63 Societies. International Journal of Comparative Sociology 61(6): 441-475.
15 Rogge, Franziska, Verena Nowak, Steve R. Entrich & Gülay Teke (2021): Rekonstruktive Betrachtung der digitalen Lehre: Was macht die Lehre mit uns und was machen wir mit der Lehre? Bestandsaufnahme zum Status Quo in der Corona-Pandemie. Zentrum für empirische Inklusionsforschung (ZEIF) 8(3): 1-16.
14 Entrich, Steve R. (2021): Understanding Cross-National Differences in Inclusive Education Coverage: An Empirical Analysis. IAFOR Journal of Education 9(1): 21-40.
13 Entrich, Steve R. & Soo-yong Byun (2021): Supplementary Education at College and Its Consequences for Individual’s Labor Market Outcomes in the United States. IJREE - International Journal for Research on Extended Education 8(2): 116-137.
12 Entrich, Steve R. & Sang-Hoon Bae (2021): Extended Education at College and its Outcomes: An Introduction. IJREE - International Journal for Research on Extended Education 8(2): 111-115.
11 Entrich, Steve R. & Wolfgang Lauterbach (2020): Gender- and SES-specific Disparities in Shadow Education: Compensation for Boys, Status upgrade for Girls? Evidence from the German LifE Study. Orbis Scholae 14(2): 13-38.
10 Entrich, Steve R. & Wolfgang Lauterbach (2019): Shadow Education in Germany: Compensatory or Status Attainment Strategy? Findings from the German LifE Study. IJREE - International Journal for Research on Extended Education 7(2): 143-159.
9 Entrich, Steve R. (2019): Wer geht während der Schulzeit ins Ausland? Soziale Selektivität in der Akkumulation Transnationalen Humankapitals in Japan. Japan Jahrbuch 42: 230-261.
8 Entrich, Steve R. (2019): More Individual Choice? Students’ Share in Educational Decision-Making at the Transition to High School in Japan (1995-2009). Asia Pacific Journal of Education 39(3): 271-289.
7 Entrich, Steve R. & Lan Yu (2017): 日本“影子教育”决策:学生的选择 还是家长的压力? [Behind shadow education decision-making in Japan: Student’s choice or parental pressure?]. 教育科学研究 [Educational Science Research] 28(5): 67-76.
6 Entrich, Steve R. (2016): Zunehmende Bildungsungleichheiten in Japan? Der Einfluss von Unsicherheit auf Bildungsinvestitionen von den 1990ern bis heute. Japan Jahrbuch 39: 228-257.
5 Entrich, Steve R. (2016): Der Bedarf nach mehr: Erklärungen für die Persistenz der Juku-Industrie. Bildung und Erziehung 69(2): 155-174.
4 Entrich, Steve R. (2015): The Decision for Shadow Education in Japan: Students’ Choice or Parents’ Pressure? Social Science Japan Journal 18(2): 193-216.
3 Entrich, Steve R. (2014): Effects of investments in out-of-school education in Germany and Japan. Contemporary Japan 26(1): 71-102.
2 Entrich, Steve R. (2014): German and Japanese Education in the Shadow - Do Out-of-school Lessons Really Contribute to Class Reproduction? IAFOR Journal of Education 2(2): 17-53.
1 Entrich, Steve R. (2013): Institutionalisierte Nachhilfe - ein vernachlässigtes Thema in der Bildungsforschung? Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation 33(3): 321-327.
# = Peer Review, ## = Review by the editors
6 Entrich, Steve R. & Mona Nishizaki (2023): The Role of English Private Tutoring for English Grades and Study Abroad Intent: The Case of Germany. In: Kevin Yung & Anas Hajar (eds.), International Perspectives on English Private Tutoring: Theories, Practices and Policies. (Series: International Perspectives on ELT, edited by Sue Garton & Fiona Copland). Palgrave MacMillan: 159-175. (#)
5 Entrich, Steve R. & Wolfgang Lauterbach (2021): Fearful future: Worldwide shadow education epidemic and the reproduction of inequality outside public schooling. In: Young-Chun Kim & Jung-Hoon Jung (eds.), Theorizing Shadow Education and Academic Success in East Asia: Understanding the Meaning, Value, and Use of Shadow Education by East Asian Students. Routledge: 234-256. (#)
4 Netz, Nicolai, Daniel Klasik, Steve R. Entrich & Michelle Barker (2020): Socio-demographics: A global overview of inequalities in education abroad participation. In: Anthony C. Ogden, Bernhard Streitwieser & Christof Van Mol (eds.), Education Abroad: Bridging Scholarship and Practice. London, Routledge: 28-42. (#)
3 Taki, Hirofumi & Steve R. Entrich (2018): 大学入試の多様化と学校外教育利 [Diversification of university entrance examinations and use of out-of-school education in Japan]. In: Fumiaki Ojima & Sohei Aramaki (eds.), 高校生たちのゆくえ-学校パネル調査からみた進路 と生活の30年― [High school students’ pathways - 30 years of life course and school life trajectories as seen from a school panel survey]. Tokyo: Sekai Shisō-sha: 142-159. (#)
2 Entrich, Steve R. & Yoko Yamato (2017): 日本の塾教育:塾研究の必要性 [Japan’s Juku: Why Academics Should Care (More)!] In: Chiba Juku Association (ed.), 設立三十周年記念誌 [Chiba Juku Association 30th anniversary commemorative book]. Yachiyo publishing: 14-24. (in Japanese & English) (##)
1 Entrich, Steve R. (2013): Causes and Effects of Investments in Shadow Education in Japan - A Comparative Point of View. In: Fumiaki Ojima & Sohei Aramaki (eds.), Gendai kōkōsei no shinro to seikatsu [Career and life of high school students today]. Kyoto: Doshisha Publishing: 157-182. (##)
3 Entrich, Steve R. (2015): Taking the risk: The impact of educational reforms on educational decision-making in Germany and Japan. In: Kobayashi, M., Trommsdorff, G., & Hommerich, C. (eds.), Trust and risks in changing societies: Proceedings of the 13th meeting of the German-Japanese Society for Social Sciences. Tokyo: German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ).
2 Entrich, Steve R. (2012): German and Japanese Education in the Shadow – Do Out-of-School Lessons really contribute to Class Reproduction? Conference paper, Asian Conference of Education (ACE) Conference Proceedings 4: 236-252. ISSN: 2186-5892.
1 Entrich, Steve R. (2012): Bildung im Schatten – Nachhilfe als Chance auf Bildungsausgleich? – Die Schattenbildungssysteme Japans und Deutschlands auf dem Prüfstand. Conference paper, Tagung der Arbeitsgruppe für Empirische Pädagogische Forschung (AEPF).
4 Entrich, Steve R. (2023): Shadow Education in the Middle East. Book Review. Comparative Education 59:4, 626-628.
3 Entrich, Steve R. (2021): Education and Social Justice in Japan. Book Review. International Review of Education 67: 923–926.
2 Entrich, Steve R. (2013): Private Tutoring Across the Mediterranean - Power Dynamics and Implications for Learning and Equity. Book Review. International Journal of Educational Development.
1 Entrich, Steve R. (2013): Education and Equal Opportunity in Japan. Book Review. Pacific Affairs 86(2): 411-413.
16 Entrich, Steve R. & Wolfgang Lauterbach (2023): German-Style Shadow Education: The Role of Private Tutoring for School Allocation in a Highly Stratified Education System. SocArXiv.
15 Entrich, Steve R., Nicolai Netz & Ryoji Matsuoka (2023): The role of institutional features for inequalities in study abroad intent and participation. CSRDA Discussion Papers No. 49.
14 Entrich, Steve R. & Sho Fujihara (2021): New Horizontal Inequalities in Japanese Education? Examining Socioeconomic Selectivity in Study Abroad Intent and Pre-College Study Abroad Participation. CSRDA Discussion Papers No. 17.
13 Entrich, Steve R. (2017): Worldwide Shadow Education: How and When Shadow Systems Affect Social Inequality. A Comparison of 50 Countries. Working paper.
12 Entrich, Steve R. (2012): "Shadow Education" in Deutschland und Japan - Eine Einführung in das Forschungsfeld. Discussion paper. Potsdam: UP-Verlag.
11 Entrich, Steve R. (2009): Ernst Krieck - Nationalsozialist aus Überzeugung? - Kriecks schriftstellerisches Werken auf dem Prüfstand. Study paper. München: GRIN Verlag GmbH.
10 Entrich, Steve R. (2008): Chinas „Energie-Imperialismus“ in Afrika - Öl um jeden Preis? Study paper. München: GRIN Verlag GmbH.
9 Entrich, Steve R. (2008): Die Zukunft Deutschlands - Die Schaffung wirklicher Chancengleichheit? Befunde aus PISA auf dem Prüfstand. Study paper. München: GRIN Verlag GmbH.
8 Entrich, Steve R. (2008): Rechtsextremistische Jugendliche in der DDR. Reproduzierung faschistischer Denk- und Handlungsmuster in der DDR-Jugend. Study paper. München: GRIN Verlag GmbH.
7 Entrich, Steve R. (2008): Kriegserziehung und soziale Lage der Kinder im Ersten Weltkrieg. Kriegspropaganda und Wehrhaftmachung. Study paper. München: GRIN Verlag GmbH.
6 Entrich, Steve R. (2008): Jugendgewalt als Resultat eines kulturspezifischen Leitbildes von Männlichkeit? Jugendgewalt in Deutschland und Japan im Vergleich. Study paper. München: GRIN Verlag GmbH.
5 Entrich, Steve R. (2008): Kulturspezifische Formen hegemonialer Männlichkeit - Untersuchungen zu den Leitbildern von Männlichkeit als Ursache von Gewalt und Kriminalität in Australien und Japan. Study paper. München: GRIN Verlag GmbH.
4 Entrich, Steve R. (2007): Die amerikanische Außenpolitik als Antwort auf Japans Aggression gegenüber China (1928-1941) - Der Weg in einen unvermeidlichen Krieg zwischen den USA und Japan? Study paper. München: GRIN Verlag GmbH.
3 Entrich, Steve R. (2007): Die Augusteische Flottenpolitik. Die Herausbildung stehender Flotten zu augusteischer Zeit am Beispiel der classis Germanica. Study paper. München: GRIN Verlag GmbH.
2 Entrich, Steve R. (2007): Nationalsozialistische Erziehung in der Schule - NS-Ausleseschulen als Nachfolger früherer Landerziehungsheime? Study paper. München: GRIN Verlag GmbH.
1 Entrich, Steve R. (2006): Die Amerikanische Revolution - Eigenverschulden Großbritanniens? Study paper. München: GRIN Verlag GmbH.
11.2024 |
Travel Award, VSJF Annual Conference in Berlin, VSJF |
02.2024 |
Travel Award, talk at Symposium “Democratizing International Student Mobility” in Tokyo, Institute of Asian Migrations, Waseda University |
10.2023 |
Travel Award, talk at JSS Annual Conference in Tokyo, Japan Sociological Society (JSS) |
09/10.2023 |
Travel Grant, for JTEPS project research at UTokyo, Waseda University & Kyoto University of Advanced Science (KUAS), International Relations Office, UIBK |
10.2022 |
Visiting scholarship, for joint comparative research at PennState (Byun/Baker/LeTendre), Pennsylvania State University |
04.2020 |
Travel Grant, for AERA 2020 in San Francisco (US), DAAD |
02.2020 |
Travel Grant, talk at Nissan Seminar, University of Oxford |
11.2019 |
Travel Grant, talk at Asian-Orient-Institute, University of Zurich |
11.2018 |
Travel Grant, talk at Institute of Sociology, University of Constance |
07.2018 |
Travel Grant, talks at ISA World Congress of Sociology, Toronto (CA), DAAD |
10./11.2017 |
Travel Award, talk at VSJF Annual Conference in Vienna, VSJF |
06.2017 |
Travel Grant, talk at Asian Conference on Social Sciences, Kobe (JP), DAAD |
04.2017 |
Award, for best Doctoral Dissertation in 2016 at University of Potsdam among >300 PhD-Dissertations across all disciplines |
03.2017 |
Travel Grant, talk at CIES Annual Conference, Atlanta GA (US), PoGS |
08./09.2016 |
Travel Grant, talk at World Conference of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES) & research, Beijing (CN), PoGS |
03.2016 |
Travel Grant, talk at CIES Ann. Conference, Vancouver (CA), DAAD |
10.2015 |
Scholarship, JSTS follow-up project research, Japan, PoGS |
06.2014 |
Scholarship, JSTS follow-up project research, Japan, PoGS |
06.2014 |
Travel Grant, TREE conference, Basel, PoGS |
06.2013 |
Travel Grant, talk at World Conference of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES), Buenos Aires (AR), PoGS |
03.2013–09.2013 |
Scholarship, JSTS project research in Tokyo, Japan, DIJ Tokyo |
12.2012–03.2013 |
Scholarship, HHSS project research in Kyoto, Tokyo, Fukuoka (JP), JSPS |
11.2024 – |
Head of the Fachgruppe Sociology of VSJF (with C. Hommerich) |
04.2023 – 10.2023 |
Member of the academic mid-level council (Mittelbaurat), Department of Education, University of Innsbruck, Austria |
05.2022 – |
Advisory Board Member, Education for Social Responsibility (ESR) Center, Pusan National University, South Korea |
04.2020 – 02.2023 |
Member of the Department Board (Professorium), University of Potsdam |
10.2016 – 01.2018 |
Advisory Member of the Department Board (Professorium), University of Potsdam |
12.2013 – 09.2016 |
Deputy Director, Department of Education, University of Potsdam |
10.2013 – 12.2015 |
Member of the examination and study committees of the Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Education, University of Potsdam |
01.2011 – 12.2017 |
Coordinator of the Berlin Interdisciplinary Education Research Network (BIEN) at the University of Potsdam |
10.2024 – |
Social Science Japan Journal |
03.2024 – |
Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung |
05.2022 – 12.2023 |
Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
02.2020 – 12.2023 |
International Journal of Research on Extended Education |
02.2019 – 09.2019 |
Special section: Education. In: Japan 2019: Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. |
(total: 73 reviews in 35 different journals)
Japan/East Asia: |
Asia Pacific Education Review; Asia Pacific Journal of Education; Contemporary Japan; Japanese Journal of Sociology; Japan Jahrbuch; Japan Forum; Pacific Affairs |
(Comparative) Sociology: |
Comparative Education Review; Geoforum; International Journal of Comparative Sociology; Journal of International Students; Journal of Youth Studies; Research in Social Stratification and Mobility; Social Forces; Sociology of Education; Quality and Quantity; Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation |
(total: 16)
2025 |
Panel “Educational regimes and success in the life course: The Role of digital literacy, transnational competencies and personality in schooled societies“, Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference, Chicago (US) (accepted) JTEPS Start-Off Workshop (Feb. 6th to 8th), University of Zurich (CH) Fachgruppe “Soziologie”, VSJF Annual Conference, University of Vienna (AT) |
2023 |
Panel “Global Trends in Education and Stratification“, XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne (with Claudia Buchmann) (AU) Austrian Youth Studies Conference, University of Innsbruck (with Alfred Berger, David Furtschegger, Gabriela Gniewosz, Wolfgang Hagleitner, Sanja Mijucic, Angela Pertl, Ulrike Schmid, Reingard Spannring, Guido Thaler) (AT) Panel “Shadow Education and Its Impact on Teaching, Learning, and Development“, Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference, Washington D.C. (US) (with Kevin Wai Ho Yung) |
2022 |
Panel “Effects of internationalization in Japan"; 18th German-speaking Japanology Conference, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf (DE) (with Ami Kobayashi) |
2021 |
Panel “School Allocation and Labor Market Outcomes of Supplementary Education over the Life Course: New Ways to Maintain Inequalities?”; SLLS Annual Conference, online. |
2019 |
Panel “The Consequences of Educational Upgrading: Persisting Inequalities?”; Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference, San Francisco (US) |
2018 |
Round-Table Symposium “Consequences of Educational Upgrading: No Reduction of Inequalities?”; Freie Universität Berlin (DE) Workshop “Consequences of Educational Upgrading in Modern Societies: No Reduction of Inequalities?”; Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo (JP) “GEAS Summer School”; Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo (JP) (with Verena Blechinger-Talcott & Katrin Gengenbach) |
2017 |
Panel “Conditions and Effects of Private Tutoring”; Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungs-forschung (GEBF) 5th Annual Conference. Universität Heidelberg (DE) (with Karin Guill) |
2016 |
Panel “Factors Underlying the Demand for Private Supplementary Tutoring”; Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference, Vancouver (CA) Panel “The Changing Nature and Implications of Private Supplementary Tutoring”; XVI World Congress of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES), Beijing Normal University (CN) (with Wei Zhang & Mark Bray) |
Comparative and International Education Society |
Shadow Education SIG, Hong Kong University Comparative Education Research Center |
DGS Sociohub |
German Society of Sociology Research Network |
European Network on International Student Mobility (COST Action) |
International Migration Research Network |
ISA RC28 |
International Sociological Association: RC28-Social Stratification & Mobility |
Japan Sociological Society (日本社会学会) |
Japan Comparative Education Society (日本比較教育学会) |
JSPSnet |
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Network |
Japan Education and Childhood Seminar Online |
Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies |
Society for Social Science Japan Research
World Education Research Association, TF Global Research in Extended Edu. |
16 „Wegen hoher Suizidrate: Japan will strikte Schulregeln lockern“. Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF) (02.2025)
15 „Nachhilfe“. Interview for Ntv Service (02.2025)
14 „Wieder ins Gespräch kommen - Inklusionspädagogik verknüpft Vorlesung und Tutorien, synchrone und asynchrone Formate für inklusive Lehre“. Neues aus der UP: Innovative Lehrprojekte 2022 (11.2022).
13 „The pandemic will spur the worldwide growth of private tutoring - Time lost to school closures has added to parents’ worries“. Interview for The Economist (10.2021).
12 „The case for mutual educational disarmament - And for a high-stakes, lower-effort test“. Interview für The Economist (08.2021).
11 „Das sind die besten Nachhilfe-Institute“. Interview for Ntv Ratgeber – Test (02.2019).
10 „Bildung - quo vadis? Studie zur Nachhilfe in Japan wirft Licht auf Bildungssystem und seine Entwicklung in Deutschland“. Pressemitteilung des Bundesverbandes für Nachhilfe und Nachmittagsschulen (VNN) (01.2018).
9 „Was nützt Nachhilfe?“ Interview for rbb Kulturradio (01.2018).
8 „Wie sinnvoll ist Nachhilfe?“ Interview for WDR5 – Leonardo (11.2017).
7 „Das Geschäft mit dem Misserfolg: Mit Nachhilfe zum Schulabschluss“ Interview for WDR5 (07.2017).
6 „Die Schule im Schatten: Was Nachhilfe in Japan und anderswo leisten kann – und was nicht.“ Interview for PortalWissen 2/2017 (07.2017).
5 IAFOR ACSEE ACSS 2014 - Day 4 Recap with Steve Entrich” Interview (06.2014).
4 „Raus aus der Komfortzone“ Interview for Süddeutsche Zeitung (10.2013).
3 „Juku - A Necessary Evil?” Online article, Jukupedia.
2 „German Nachhilfe.“ Online article. Jukupedia.
1 „Juku-Flyer: Learning American English in Chinese Juku-Courses in Summer.” Online article. Jukupedia.