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Transcontinental cultural contacts of China during the Bronze Age


Lothar von Falkenhausen, University of California

Datum und Zeit

30. März 2022, 15:00–16:00 Uhr

Ort (online und vor Ort)

Bitte registrieren Sie sich für die Online-Teilnahme via Zoom über das Anmeldeformular.

Die Vorlesung findet zudem als Präsenzveranstaltung statt: Universität Zürich, Hörsaal SOD-1-104, Schönberggasse 9, 8001 Zürich


Forschungsprojekt «Sino-Indo-Iranica rediviva», Asien-Orient-Institut – Sinologie


In light of a century of archaeological research, it is becoming ever more clear that the rise of China’s unique civilization did not occur in a vacuum, but was linked—in more or less tenuous ways—to developments elsewhere in Eurasia.  Without going much into detail, this lecture will provide assorted comments on a provisional list of cultural elements that may have reached China from areas further West before the late 2nd-century BC expansion of the Han empire into Inner Asia.  One may preliminarily distinguish three phases of cultural contacts, with indication of a considerable increase in their intensity during the early to mid-first millennium BC.
