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07. April 2017, 17:15-19:00 Uhr
Universität Zürich, Raum RAA G01 (Aula), Rämistrasse 59, 8001 Zürich
Now more than ever, gender as an analytical concept is being heavily contested from diverse quarters inside as well as outside academia. The panel discussion addresses key questions of how to teach gender as critical theory in the light of current societal and political tensions on the one hand and institutional constraints inside the university on the other hand. How can we teach “critique”? What does teaching gender mean in terms of methods and topics? And how can we engage in critical research and teaching while responding to societal expectations as to relevant output and knowledge transfer?
Lina Abirafeh (Lebanese American University)
Moha Ennaji (University of Fez)
Marnia Lazreg (City University of New York)
Marylène Lieber (University of Geneva)
Bettina Dennerlein (University of Zurich)
Asien-Orient-Institut - Gender Studies