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Asien-Orient-Institut UFSP Asien und Europa (2006–2017)

Qian Cui

Qian Cui, M.A.

  • Doktorandin Dokroratsprogramm Asien und Europa
+41 44 634 31 82
ZUB 4-418

Aktuelle Lehrveranstaltungen

FS18 Modernchinesisch 8: Literarische Texte



Aug 17 – Present PhD Candidate in Chinese Studies, University of Zurich
University Research Priority Program (URPP) Asia and Europe
Project: Creating an Alternative World: The Remaking of Western Ideologies in Modern Chinese Bildungsromane (1919-1976)
Sep 13 – Jan 17 MA in World Literature, University of Bern
Thesis title: From Enlightenment to National Salvation: Influence of Kantianism and Marxism on Modern Chinese Aesthetics.
Sep 05 – Sep 07 MA in Chinese Literature, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Sep 01 – Sep 04 BBA, Lingnan University, Hong Kong


  • Modern and contemporary Chinese literature (1919 to present)
  • European-Chinese comparative literature
  • Modern Chinese aesthetic theory
  • Hong Kong literature


Creating an Alternative World: The Remaking of Western Ideologies in Modern Chinese Bildungsromane (1919-1976).

Preise und Auszeichnungen

Jul 16 – Dec 16 Grant by the Dr. Joséphine de Karman foundation for talented students of the Faculty of Humanities, University of Bern
Sep 2003 Full Scholarship from Hong Kong Jockey Club, Lingnan University
Jan 2003 Dean’s List Award of Lingnan University
Sep 2002 Full Scholarship from Hong Kong Jockey Club, Lingnan University
Jan 2002 Dean’s List Award of Lingnan University
Sep 2001 Full Scholarship from Hong Kong Jockey Club, Lingnan University



Publication in Books:

  • “貝晴” (Beiqing). In《擷華初集 :創作篇 》 (Selections of Distinguished Works by MA Students), edited by Chinese Department of Lingnan University, 2-86. Hong Kong: Infolink Publishing Ltd., 2014.
  • “周記茶餐廳 ” (Chow Fusion Restaurant). In《西新街 西新街 故事》 (Stories of New Territory West), edited by Leung Ping-kwan, 266-277. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational Publishing Company, 2011.


Co-edited Books:

  • Chan, Hayching.《不再 狗臉的日子 》 (My Life No Longer as a Dog). Edited by Ping-kwan Leung, Qian Cui and Siu-cheong Yuen. Hong Kong: Click Press Limited, 2011.


Published articles:

  • “伯爾尼 火車站 ” (Bern Bahnhof).《香港文学 》(Hong Kong Literature) 367 (July 2015): 23-25.
  • “煩惱娃 在蘇黎世 機場 ” (A Trouble Doll at Zurich Airport).《香港文学 》(Hong Kong Literature) 355 (July 2014): 18-20.
  • “搬家 ” (Moving).《香港文学 》(Hong Kong Literature) 316 (April 2011): 12-16.


Aug 08 – Sep 13 Lecturer in Chinese Language, Chinese Culture & Literature
Hong Kong Community College
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Sep 07 – Aug 08 Assistant Lecturer in Chinese Language, Chinese Culture & Literature
The Community College at Lingnan University
Sep 05 – Sep 07 Assistant Instructor in Business Administration and Chinese Language
Lingnan Institute of Further Education, Lingnan University