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Asien-Orient-Institut UFSP Asien und Europa (2006–2017)

Entangled By Multiple Tongues: The Role of Diaspora in the Transfer of Culture

International Workshop, 3-4 June 2010

Conference Venue: Ethnographic Museum (Völkerkundemuseum), Pelikanstrasse 40, 8001 Zürich (

Allmost all long-distance transfer of conceptions, institutions and practices was, and still is, shaped by one very peculiar setting: it was done by individuals and groups living in diaspora networks. But this implied mediating between parallel reference frames, switching forth and back between a home and one or more host cultures, in short: "speaking multiple tongues".

This continous merger of home and host conceptions, institutions and practices into hitherto unknown new ones made, and still makes, diaspora the one major place of intercultural mediation and transcultural negotiation. The question how this multilingualism (in its widest sense) peculiar of all diaspora shaped the transfer of culture will be the focus of our workshop on "Entangled By Multiple Tongues: The Role of Diaspora in the Transfer of Culture".

Conveners: Prof. Dr. Adreas Kaplony, Prof. Dr. Mareille Flitsch

This workshop is an activity of the Research Field 2 (Entangled Histories) of the University Priority Research Program Asia and Europe.

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