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University Library Zurich


1. Why and how does ZORA use ORCID?

ORCID is an independent non-profit organization that provides a persistent identifier – an ORCID iD – that distinguishes you from other researchers and a mechanism for linking your research outputs and activities to your iD. ORCID is integrated into many systems used by publishers, funders, institutions, and other research-related services.

ZORA (University of Zurich) is collecting your ORCID iD so that your publications are safely assigned to your authorship. By authorising ZORA to use your ORCID iD, you can do the following:

  • Tag your publications with your ORCID iD so that they are clearly assigned to you. You can also delegate another person for this activity (see question 8)
  • Using the ORCID iD via the ZORA component in the UZH WCMS to create a publication list that you can integrate into your website. The ORCID iD guarantees that your list is unique and complete (see question 13)
  • Export your publications deposited in ZORA to your ORCID record (see question 9)
  • Import publications from your ORCID record into ZORA (for this you must have submitter rights; you can delegate this activity to a submitter) (see question 6)

To acknowledge that you have used your iD and that it has been authenticated, we display the ORCID iD icon alongside your name in ZORA.

2. I do not yet have an ORCID iD, what do I have to do?

  • Call the ORCID page in ZORA. You must log into ZORA with your SWITCH edu-ID.
  • Then click on the button "Create and link your ORCID iD". You will be redirected to the ORCID registration form.
  • ZORA has already filled in your first name, last name and e-mail address in the registration form.
  • Complete the registration form with the remaining necessary information (password, visibility settings - we recommend "Everyone", confirmation of Terms of Use, Recaptcha) and click on the Register button.
  • ORCID will ask you if you want to authorize ZORA to use your iD and access your ORCID record. Click on "Authorize".
  • You will be returned to the ORCID page in ZORA and your ORCID iD and the authorized rights are deposited in your ZORA account.
  • In your mailbox you have received an email from ORCID with a confirmation link - click on "Verify your email address". You will be directed to your ORCID account and the confirmation of your registration will be displayed.
  • Furthermore, ZORA has added the affiliation "Universitat Zurich" to your ORCID record in the "Employment" section.
  • As a next step, you can either tag your publications in ZORA with the ORCID iD (see question 7) or delegate this task to another person (question 8).

3. I already own an ORCID iD, how do I deposit it in ZORA?

  • Call the ORCID menu in ZORA. You must log into ZORA with your SWITCH edu-ID.
  • Then click on the button "Create and link your ORCID iD". You will be redirected to the ORCID website.
  • On top of the page, at "Already have an ORCID iD? Sign In" click on Sign In and then log into your ORCID account.
  • ORCID will ask you if you want to authorize ZORA to use your iD and access your ORCID record. Click on "Authorize".
  • You will be returned to the ORCID page in ZORA and your ORCID iD and the authorized rights are registered in your ZORA account.
  • Furthermore, ZORA has added the affiliation "Universitat Zurich" to your ORCID record in the "Employment" section.
  • As a next step, you can either tag your publications in ZORA with the ORCID iD (see question 7) or delegate this task to another person (question 8).

4. I am not member of the UZH, but of the USZ or an university hospital or clinic. Can I deposit my ORCID iD in ZORA?

Members of the University Hospitals (UniversityHospital Zurich, University Children's Hospital Zurich, Balgrist University Hospital, University Hospital of Psychiatry Zurich, Center for Dental Medicine) do not automatically have the necessary login data for ZORA. These must be requested from the person responsible for IT: List of IT responsibles

You need a SWITCH edu-ID in order to log into ZORA. You can find more information on Login to ZORA.

5. Can my secretary or library staff register the ORCID iD for me?

No. An ORCID iD is a personal iD and only you are responsible for its registration and use.
When registering, you must provide an email address; the registration process will send you an email with a confirmation link that you must click.

6. How can I import the works of my ORCID record into ZORA?

For quality reasons, only submitters (ideally trained by the ZORA team) are allowed to deposit publications in ZORA.

If you own the submitter role, select the option "ORCID Import" on the page "Manage Deposits" and click the "Import" button. Then select either your own iD or the iD of a user who had delegated you (see qestion 8). 

7. How can I tag my publications with my ORCID iD?

Select the tab "Tag publications" in the ORCID page of ZORA. Then select your iD from the selection menu and click on the "Find publications" button.

ZORA's tagging algorithm does the following:

  • Works that are in ZORA and can also be identified in your ORCID Record are tagged automatically. They are listed under "Matched Publications".
  • Under "Possible Matches", works are listed that might be yours. Tickmark those that have been authored by you and click the "Add ORCID" button"

You can delegate the tagging task to another person, for example your secretary or to library staff (see question 8).

8. Can I delegate the import and tagging of my publications in ZORA?

Yes. You can delegate this task to another person, for example, in your secretary's office or in a library. This person must have the submitter role.

Log in to ZORA (Login). Click on ORCID tab in the ZORA menu bar. Here you will find the section "Delegated User" right under the user settings. Enter the UZH short name of the delegated person here and click the "Update Delegated Users" button. You can define several users who are allowed to tag publications in ZORA with your ORCID iD on your behalf.

9. How can I export my publications from ZORA to my ORCID record?

The prerequisite for this is that your publications are already tagged with your iD (see next question) and you have deposited your iD in ZORA. Delegated users cannot take on this task for the authors.

Select the tab "My Publications / Export" in the ORCID page of ZORA and click on the button "Search".

Then tick all publications you want to export. After that, click on the "Export selected entries" button.

Publications that already exist in your ORCID record are marked (Update) on the right margin. Your metadata is tracked as you tick and export.

If all listed publications are your own, you can export them to your ORCID record at once by clicking on "Export all items".

10. Can someone else export my ZORA publications to my ORCID record?

No. You and only you are responsible for and control what publications and information is accessible on your ORCID record.

UZH's current membership in ORCID (Basic Member) does not allow us to automatically track your publications.
We recommend that you periodically export your new publications from ZORA to your ORCID record, for example after the publication of the annual academic report.


11. Where is my ORCID iD displayed in ZORA?

Your ORCID iD is displayed in the following ZORA pages:

  • on a details page of a publication that was authored by you and was tagged with your ORCID iD
  • After Browsing by Creators and Editors,  if you have deposited your ORCID iD in ZORA

Furthermore, your ORCID iD will output in the following export formats for publications:

Export format for works in your ORCID record (only authenticated iDs and iDs from

  • CrossRef and PubMed Import)
  • AKABER (UZH Academic Report)
  • DataCite XML
  • JSON
  • MODS
  • EPrints XML
  • Multiline CSV
  • Simple Metadata

12. Where will my ORCID iD be used at the UZH?

Since academic reporting is connected to ZORA, we pass on your ORCID iD to AKABER. This makes it easier to assign your publications to you.

13. How can I create a publication list on my UZH website using my ORCID iD?

Using the ZORA component of the UZH WCMS, you can easily integrate your publication list. In the ORCID field, enter your ORCID iD.

For this to work and the list to be complete and unique, you should tag your publications in ZORA with your ORCID iD (see question 7).

14. What happens to my ZORA data when I leave UZH?

When you leave UZH, you will lose access to different systems because your shortname/WebPass password will be deleted. So also to ZORA. An algorithm in ZORA detects this and automatically sets your ZORA account to retired. All authorizations that you permitted to ZORA via the deposit of your ORCID iD are reset, so that no one can import publications from your ORCID record or tag publications. Your ORCID iD remains deposited and can still be used by the submitters for the manual author lookup, when they are entering a work by another UZH author who is your coauthor.

If you wish your ZORA account including the ORCID iD to be completely deleted, please contact the Open Science Services Team:

Weiterführende Informationen

Questions about ORCID?

Margit Dellatorre
Tessa Gerber
Laetitia Kaiser
Olivier Vogel

+41 44 635 41 62