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University Library Zurich

UB Popular Culture Studies & Film Studies

Populäre Kulturen und Filmwissenschaft

What Study Spaces are Available?

  • There are around 20 study spaces, whereof 1 with PC/screen (see devices).
  • The study spaces can be used at any time without prior reservation.

What Infrastructure Can I Use Here?

Borrow and Return

  • Self-checkout station


Recording Equipment

  • Recording equipment for interviews can be borrowed only by students of Popular Cultures.
  • This is possible from Monday to Friday from 10:00am-1:00pm.
  • Reservations are not possible!
  • Loan period is two weeks.

Film Lounge and Viewing Stations

  • Film lounge for groups from 1 to 10 people and individual viewing stations.
  • UZH members can book the film lounge and viewing stations viabooked-UB.
  • Further information can be found at Video Library.

Information about the Location and Collection

In the location  (AFL-G-272) you find items in connection with the research in ISEK Popular Cultures as well as Film Studies (see also Special Collection Film Studies).

Using the Video Library (AFL-G-233)

Information concerning the collection, the catalog, and the use of viewing stations can be found at Video Library.

Weiterführende Informationen

Subject Information

Subject related support with information about resources, courses, tutorials and experts can be found here:

All Information about the Special Collection


Unterseiten von UB Popular Culture Studies & Film Studies