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2018 – 2023 |
Ph.D. student in Chinese Studies, University of Zurich, |
2022 (4 months) | Visiting Ph.D. student, Department of Chinese Studies, University of Malaya, Malaysia |
2016 – 2018 | Student Assistant Chinese Studies (Modern China), University of Zurich |
2015 – 2018 | M.A. in Chinese Studies and Gender Studies, University of Zurich Thesis: “(De-)Konstruktion weiblicher Subjektpositionen im zeitgenössischen chinesischen Kontext – Eine transmediale Diskursanalyse literarischer und filmischer Werke” |
2013 – 2014 | Semester abroad General Linguistics and Chinese Studies, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris |
2011 – 2012 | Chinese language program, Guangxi University for Nationalities, Nanning (full scholarship by the China Scholarship Council) and The Central Academy of Drama, Beijing |
2010 – 2015 | B.A. in Chinese Studies and General Linguistics, University of Zurich |
Hess, Helen and Diyi Mergenthaler. “Virtual Art in Times of Crisis: Curatorial Practices during the Covid-19 Pandemic in China and Malaysia” in edited volume Digital China: Creativity and Community in the Sinocybersphere, edited by Jessica Imbach, Amsterdam University Press. (Forthcoming)
Fan, Pik Wah, Jee Luen Chia, and Helen Hess. 2023. “Tales from Nanyang: Folk Beliefs and Women’s Fate in Lee Yoke Kim’s Fiction.” Forum for World Literature Studies, Vol. 15, No. 4, December 2023, 618–636. https://www.fwls.org/Download/2024/0110/1097.html
Hess, Helen. Conference Report: Wired China: Digital Media and Online Culture. 27.11.2020 – 28.01.2020, digital, in: H-Soz-Kult, 05.02.2021, www.hsozkult.de/conferencereport/id/tagungsberichte-8870.
Hess, Helen. Book review: “Chan, Shelly: Diaspora’s Homeland. Modern China in the Age of Global Migration. Durham: Duke University Press, 2018.” In: Asien: The German Journal of Contemporary Asia, Nr. 152/153 (Juli/Oktober 2019): 156–158.
2023 | Grant for a self-organized lecture series Other Epistemologies: Remapping the Literary Field in the Sinosphere from the PhF Graduate School, University of Zurich |
2022 | Grant for a Self-organized Lecture Series Other Epistemologies: Remapping the Literary Field in the Sinosphere from the PhF Graduate School, University of Zurich |
2021 | GRC Short Grant (UZH) for the Workshop: Queering the Boundaries of the Arts in the Sinosphere |
2021 | Funding for Self-Organized Working Groups (UZH) for the Workshop: Queering the Boundaries of the Arts in the Sinosphere |
2020 | “GRC-Grant (UZH) for the Workshop: Wired China: Digital Media and Online Culture |
01/01/2020 – 31/12/2022 | Doctoral Scholarship by the Janggen-Pöhn-Stiftung |
2012 | Full Scholarship China Scholarship Council (CSC) for the Chinese language program at Guangxi University for Nationalities, Nanning, China |
Spring semester 2024 | “Methoden der Text- und Kulturanalyse: Vertiefung” (Methods of Text and Cultural Analysis: Advanced), BA course, Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zurich |
Spring semester 2024 | “Sinophone Artikulationen in Südostasien und Europa: Literatur, Film, Kulturproduktion” (Sinophone articulations in Southeast Asia and Europe: literature, film, cultural production), BA course, Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zurich |
Fall semester 2023 | “Globale Netzwerke, Migration und Storytelling in der Sinosphäre,” (Global Networks, Migration and Storytelling in the Sinosphere), BA course, Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zurich (Co-Teaching with Dr. Brigit Knüsel) |
Fall semester 2023 | “Methoden der Text- und Kulturanalyse: Einführung” (Methods of Text and Cultural Analysis: Introduction), BA course, Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zurich |
Spring semester 2023 | “Sinophone and Diaspora Studies: Histories, Literatures, Theories,” BA course, Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zurich |
Fall semester 2022 | “Methoden der Text- und Kulturanalyse: Einführung” (Methods of Text and Cultural Analysis: Introduction), BA course, Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zurich |
Fall semester 2021 | “Methoden der Text- und Kulturanalyse: Einführung” (Methods of Text and Cultural Analysis: Introduction), BA course, Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zurich |
Fall semester 2020 | “Methoden der Text- und Kulturanalyse: Einführung” (Methods of Text and Cultural Analysis: Introduction), BA course, Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zurich |
Fall semester 2018 | “Sinophone Gemeinschaften in Südostasien” (Sinophone Communities in Southeast Asia), BA/MA lecture, Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zurich |
06–07/04/2023 | “Narrating Sinophone Diasporic Experiences”, invited talk at the workshop Global Storytelling: Narrating Childhoods in Taiwan, University of California Santa Barbara, USA |
09/09/2022 | “Longing and Belonging in Contemporary Female-Authored Mahua Literature,” invited talk at the MCRC – Malaysian Chinese Research Centre (马来亚大学马来西亚华人研究中心), University of Malaya, Malaysia |
24–28/08/2022 | “When Forms Collide – A Formalist Approach to Sinophone Literature,” 24th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies, Olomouc, Czech Republic |
24–28/08/2021 | “Qu(e)er(y)ing Gender Roles in Singaporean and Malaysian Literature,” 23rd Biennial Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies, Leipzig (online) |
14–17/07/2021 | “Negotiating Women’s Space – An Intersectional Reading of Female-Authored Sinophone Malaysian Fiction,” 16th Singapore Graduate Forum on Southeast Asian Studies, Asia Research Institute, University of Singapore, online |
31/05–01/06/2021 | “Spectral Encounters in Sinophone Malaysian Women’s Literature, Film, and Art,” 9. Schweizerische Nachwuchstagung der Schweizerischen Asien- und Orientwissenschaften, University of Geneva, online |
07, 08, 15/05/2021 | “Envisioning Digital Art Spaces in the Contact Zone: (In-)Visibility of Sinophone Malaysian Women Artists During the Covid-19 Crisis,” 10th Conference of the Young Scholars Group of the German Association for Asian Studies (DGA), online conference |
27–28/11/2020 | “Art Without Borders? Sino-Malaysian Art Spaces in the Age of Digital Culture,” International Online Workshop: Wired China: Digital Media and Online Culture, Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zurich |
09/09/2020 | Co-organization of a session (incl. presentation) on decolonial and intersectional approaches to analysis and evaluation processes, Research retreat: Situating Knowledge, Inter-University Gender Studies Doctoral Program, University of Basel |
20/05/2019 | “Intersektionale Identitäten, unbehagliche Erinnerungen und quere Visionen in sinophoner malaysischer Kunst,” lecture series Zugänge zur Sinologie, Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zurich |
7–9/11/2019 | “Contested Territories and Fragile Identities – Memories of the Malayan Emergency in Sinophone Malaysian Fiction,” PhD workshop: Across the Strait – Sinophone Literature from the 19th Century to the Contemporary Ages, Roma Tre University, Rome |
16–19/07/2019 | “Deconstructing Utopia in (Sinophone) Ma-Hua Cultural Productions,” ICAS 11 (International Convention of Asian Studies), Leiden University |
8–11/11/2018 | “Haunting Memories and Rewriting History – Representations of the Malayan Emergency in Literature and Visual Art,” PhD workshop: Chinese History after 1949, University of Vienna |
DGA (German Association of Asian Studies): Board member